Media Releases
Monarchists Launch Protest Against The Crown
09 November 2022 · 3 reactions
Monarchists to launch protest against The Crown
The falsehoods and inaccuracies, particularly about His Majesty the King as Prince of Wales, being broadcast in season 5 of Netflix series The Crown, will lead monarchists and right-minded people to withdraw support for the programme and Netflix as a whole if the platform does not act to correct the record. -
Have a Referendum First before Campaign
08 November 2022 · 9 reactions
During the recent election campaign, Mr Albanese purposefully led the people to believe that a republic would not be on its agenda in its first term and yet one of his first acts in government was to arrange for the appointment of an Assistant Minister for the Republic. The first time there has ever been a minister of the Crown to remove the Crown!
Keating should apologise
14 October 2022 · 2 reactions
Although he has become very bitter in his old age, there is one thing that Paul Keating has not lost, and that is his penchant for purposefully misinterpreting comments by others to suit himself.
Monarchists call for Public Holiday for Coronation
12 October 2022 · 2 reactions
The Australian Monarchist League, Australia's largest member-based monarchist association, is calling upon the Australian government to declare a public holiday in recognition and in honour of the Coronation of the King, who by right of the Australian Constitution is King of Australia.
Thistlethwaite Wrong Again
05 October 2022 · 1 reaction
Thistlethwaite gets it all wrong again
Matt Thistlethwaite recently tweeted "“The British PM stopped our head of state attending the COP 27 conference to speak about the importance of stronger action to combat climate change. We need a head of state that represents the aspirations of the Australian people, not the wishes of the British government.”What he doesn't understand is that, in the UK, the King is the executive head of state but in Australia it is the Governor-General who is the executive head of state. However, it is not the duty or the purpose of a head of state within the Westminster system to attend conferences. Neither the King nor the Australian Governor-General have any power to make any decision on behalf of the government. That is why conferences are attended by the head of government, who is the Prime Minister or his or her nominee.
As Assistant Minister for the Republic, Mr Thistlethwaite should understand how our system of governance works before attacking it.
Perhaps Mr Thistlethwaite should be better named the Assistant Minister of the Clowns!
Republicans Show No Decency Whatsoever
26 September 2022 · 1 reaction
Republicans, not having any common decency, have immediately commenced their attack on King Charles and the Australian Constitution and we, the Australian Monarchist League, have no option but to counter their spurious and often false arguments
Labor Voters Oppose Republic
21 September 2022 · 1 reaction
Around 60% of Labor Voters Oppose a Republic
“Now a clear majority of ALP voters, 58% - up a stunning 18% points since November 2012, say that Australia should remain as a Monarchy – a far larger change than by either L-NP voters or Greens voters who appear far more set in their ways.” Roy Morgan Market Research Update 20/9/22
The Prince and Princess of Wales to Visit Australia
17 September 2022 · 1 reaction
The Prince and Princess of Wales to Visit Australia
The Australian Monarchist League is delighted to learn that the Prince and Princess of Wales are proposing to tour Australia in 2023. In the event they are accompanied by their children, it will be the first opportunity for Australians to see Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis on Australian soil.
The Thistlethwaite Indoctrination Campaign
05 September 2022 · 1 reaction
The Australian Monarchist League was disappointed to read The Sydney Morning Herald’s interview (3/9/22) with The Hon. Matt Thistlethwaite MP, Assistant Minister for the Republic.
Firstly, concerning this interview, The Sydney Morning Herald sought no comment from the Australian Monarchist League or the Vote No Republic campaign at large. The Australian Monarchist League has specifically requested that, in the interests of the Australian people, it be approached to provide equal commentary in opposition to applicable remarks published or aired by Mr Thistlethwaite, Peter FitzSimons, or any other republican spokesperson. This request was reported nationally only five days ago. The Australian Monarchist League is deeply concerned that The Sydney Morning Herald appears biased in its presentation of arguments pertaining to the removal of the Crown from the Constitution.
Eric Abetz to Head Monarchist Campaign
01 September 2022 · 1 reaction
Former Minister Eric Abetz to Head the Monarchist’s Republic Campaign
The Australian Monarchist League is pleased to announce that former government minister and Leader of the Government in the Senate, the Hon. Eric Abetz, is the new chairman of the monarchist campaign opposing the Albanese government's plans for a republic.