Media Releases

  • Much Ado About Nothing

    24 October 2020

    Much Ado About Nothing

    This morning’s Australian newspaper’s front-page article was headlined: “Prince Charles backed Sir John Kerr on dismissal of Gough Whitlam”. Now we all know that newspapers create fictitious headlines to get a reader’s attention and this is no different.

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  • Politicians Not People Decide on Barbados Republic

    17 September 2020

    Australian Republicans are making much out of the announcement in Barbados that it will be a republic in 2021. This is even though Barbados is in a totally different situation to Australia as there will be no referendum of the people, as I understand it, with the decision made by the (almost) one-party parliament in which the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) holds 29 of the 30 seats servicing a population of under 300,000.


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  • REpublicans Put Up or Shut Up

    17 September 2020

  • Republicans Should Put Up or Shut Up

    19 July 2020

    The Australian Republican Movement published an email accusing Buckingham Palace of releasing “a misleading statement and issuing ‘spin’. To quote:

    “Buckingham Palace responded on Tuesday night with a misleading statement implying the release of the letters showed the Queen supported Australia’s independence (despite doing all they could to stop the release of the letters) and ‘played no role’ in the events of 1975 despite being consulted, effectively forewarned and even advising the Governor-General on his powers. The ARM was quick to call out the Palace for its spin. It’s clear the Palace received more of a hint about what was to come on 11 November 1975 than Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam did.”


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  • Republicans Claim Queen Foreign Power

    15 July 2020

    I had been invited to attend and was therefore present at the formal release of the correspondence between the then Governor-General, Sir John Kerr, and Sir Martin Charteris, private secretary to the Queen, at the National Archives of Australia in Canberra. The release of what is termed ‘the Kerr papers’ clearly showed that the Queen was not involved in the dismissal of Gough Whitlam.

    We have always advised that Sir John simply used the powers of the Constitution (section 64) to withdraw the letter of appointment he had earlier given to Gough Whitlam to be a minister. There was no conspiracy or underhandedness whatsoever. It was the action of a Governor-General seeking to resolve the political and economic crisis facing the nation.


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  • Palace Letters Vindicate Kerr & Queen

    14 July 2020

    The release of the so-called “Palace Letters” by the National Archives this morning vindicates Sir John Kerr’s actions on November 11 1975, frees the Palace of any allegations of political interference, and proves our system of constitutional monarchy is by far the best and safest form of government for the Commonwealth of Australia.

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  • Monarchists Not Worried about Release of The Kerr Papers

    13 July 2020

    The formal release of the Kerr papers will take place tomorrow morning at an event in the National Archives of Australia in Canberra at 10 AM.
    The Australian Monarchist League is of the opinion that an inspection of the papers will clearly show that the Queen was in no way involved in the actual dismissal of the then Prime Minister, Gough Whitlam, and that those who advocated otherwise should apologise.

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  • AML Responds to YouGov Republic Poll

    12 July 2020 · 1 reaction

    The YouGov Poll
    As featured in the Daily Telegraph (12/7/20)

    (See News Article Below)

    Of course, a warped poll is going to create a warped response. The inference in the question was that we are somehow a vassal of the United Kingdom, which we are most definitely not. We find that the emphasis in the question is misleading and would corrupt any response.

    No mention was made of the fact that Australia is a free, sovereign and independent nation and has been so for over 100 years. It is true that our constitution, our laws, our base culture and our language were all were gifted to us by the United Kingdom. It is also true that the United Kingdom gifted true independence to us with the Australian Constitution.

    Our constitution does not mention, anywhere, the term head of state, which, in republics means ‘the president’. This is because we are different from republics. We are a constitutional monarchy with a sovereign represented by the Governor-General, who is an Australian. Upon appointment he is the person who becomes the executive head of the state.

    The plain fact is that our system of constitutional monarchy works because we have checks and balances which cannot be replicated in any republic where most are totally controlled by politicians and big-business. Therefore, becoming a republic would be a retrograde step for Australia.

    It is interesting that there has been no mention of who requested and paid for this warped poll. Details cannot be found on the YouGov website.

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  • Monarchists Stand Up Against Removal of Statues

    07 July 2020 · 6 reactions

    [Reference ABC News: Should statues which 'don't respect traditional custodians' be removed from around Canberra? (6/7/20)]

    The Australian Monarchist League has members with many varying political opinions, but most members agree that reconciliation and advancement of social issues in Australia will have the greatest chance of success under an Australian Monarchy and the current Australian Westminster system. Statues of our past and current Monarchs, prime ministers and others are symbols of this and must be preserved.

    Accordingly, the Australian Monarchist League is vehemently opposed to the removal of any statue of King George V or of Sir Edmund Barton or indeed of any of Australia’s great leaders of the past.

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  • Anti-Queen Agenda of SA MP

    02 July 2020

    The Anti-Queen Agenda of Mark Parnell MP

    South Australian Greens MP, Mark Parnell, is concentrating, not on helping struggling families and businesses to survive through the current tough economic times in the State he is supposed to care for but has declared his priority to be an anti-Queen agenda.

    Mr Parnell plans to retire from the South Australian parliament, but before he goes, proposes to table a motion to abolish the Oath of Allegiance to the Queen for members of the parliament, judges, police and other officers of the Crown (InDaily 1/7/20).

    In a similar manner to the cultural Marxist mob wanting to tear down statues representing Australia’s historical past, this MP seems intent on tearing down Australia’s system of constitutional monarchy by eroding our national symbols and promoting republicanism by stealth, even though the last time the people voted on constitutional change, they vehemently rejected a republic. What next does he and his cohorts have within their sights - the Australian flag?

    Australia’s constitutional monarchy has, for over a hundred years, protected our democracy and, in so doing, has provided a way of life with continuity, safety, economic opportunity and family values. All this will be put into danger if Australia becomes a politicians’ republic

    We are sure that the South Australian parliament has much better ways in which to spend their valuable time than pandering to constitutional vandalism.
