This is the page for those who wish to join. If you prefer to donate rather than join, please go to our donation page here: Fighting Fund
The movement to retain the Crown within the Australian Constitution is important to every Australian and each individual’s membership is a vital piece in achieving the outcomes we are all aiming for.
How we best use the funds
AML’s primary objective is to protect the Australian way of life for everyone and future generations by maintaining the Crown within the Australian Constitution.
Operationally what does that look like:
- Running campaigns that raise awareness of the Australian Monarchy and proposed republic government systems, and how that impacts everyday Australians.
- Building and maintaining a positive culture and admiration for the Queen, past and future Monarchs, Governors-General past and present, and the Royal Family.
- Through volunteered efforts, keeping Australian monarchists connected with each other.
AML is very skilled and targeted with running efficient campaigns that reach the right people at the right time.
How we best use volunteered resources
Some members feel so strongly for the cause they want to volunteer their time as well as donate money.
AML leaders work with the team of volunteers to achieve outcomes and make change in the community for the better. Volunteers help in a number of areas including:
- Social media assistance
- Content writing and news events
- Administration & event coordinating
- Marketing and campaigning
- Community engagement
The AML leaders run a tight ship to achieve the greatest outcome with the resources available.
Regardless of the amount of time that can be donated or what skills someone possesses, AML can make use of every volunteer.
How members stay connected
AML keeps members and supporters connected together through regular video conferencing, meetings in the major cities, newsletters, webinars, and emails.
AML leaders, volunteers, members, and followers often appreciate being connected with like-minded people when it comes to the Australian Constitution.
AML has a wide variety of members with different political convictions, lifestyles, and backgrounds. What we all agree on is Australia will best progress under the Crown and the current Australian Westminster system.

For less than $1 a month:
- Help AML reach up to 5,000 people a year
- Receive regular email updates
- Full member portal access
- Membership renews annually
Please note that online membership will renew automatically which is why we have been able to set the annual fee at just $10. Being auto-renew means that we don't have to employ someone to follow membership renewals of the thousands of members who support the cause every year. If we had to, then obviously costs would be much higher.

For under $4 a month:
- Help AML reach up to 20,000 people a year
- Fund vital market research for campaign strategy
Receive regular email updates
Full member portal access
Membership renews annually
Receive 4 postal mailings a year
Please note that standard membership will renew automatically which is why we have been able to set the annual fee at just $40. Being auto-renew means that we don't have to employ someone to follow membership renewals of the thousands of members who support the cause every year. If we had to, then obviously costs would be much higher.

- Help AML reach up to 50,000 people a year
- Fund vital market research for campaign strategy
- Help cover organisational overheads (e.g. website costs)
Receive regular email updates
Full member portal access
Membership renews annually
Receive ALL postal mailings each year
Receive complimentary AML merchandise
Please note that premium membership will renew automatically which is why we have been able to set the annual fee at just $100. Being auto-renew means that we don't have to employ someone to follow membership renewals of the thousands of members who support the cause every year. If we had to, then obviously costs would be much higher.

- Help AML reach up to 350,000 people
- Fund vital market research for campaign strategy
- Help cover organisational overheads (e.g. website costs)
Receive regular email updates
Full member portal access
Membership never expires
Receive ALL postal mailings each year
Receive complimentary AML merchandise
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