Petitions & Surveys

This section contains several petitions and surveys conducted by the Australian Monarchist League.

  • Petition to the President of the Senate

    25 October 2024

    Senator Lidia Thorpe has heckled the King in Australia's parliament, shouting:
    "This is not your land. You are not my King".


    Extract from ABC News 24/10/24

    "The firebrand independent senator on Monday used a parliamentary reception for the royals to accuse the king, who is Australia's head of state, of genocide and demand a treaty with First Nations people.

    "Give us our land back, give us what you stole from us — our bones, our skulls, our babies, our people," she shouted as she strode towards the stage while wearing a possum-skin cloak.

    Her protest attracted international attention and led Opposition Leader Peter Dutton to call for her to resign, while Nationals senator Bridget McKenzie questioned whether the outburst amounted to a breach of her parliamentary oath."


    You are invited to sign the petition to the President of the Senate calling on the Senate to censure Senator Thorpe.

    Senator the Hon Sue Lines
    The Senate
    Parliament House
    Canberra ACT 2600

    We, the undersigned, petition the Senate to censure Senator Lidia Thorpe for:

    • interrupting and insulting the King while he was delivering a speech in the Great Hall of Parliament House, Canberra on Monday, 21 October 2024; and
    • denying His Majesty’s rightful position as lawful King of Australia, in blatant violation of her constitutional affirmation of allegiance.
    Sign the petition!
  • Republic Minister should be abolished

    15 January 2024

  • A Petition Calling on the Government to appoint an Independent Umpire over the ABC.

    09 September 2023


    We, the undersigned: 

    - Noting the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s appalling breach of its own Charter and community expectations in the coverage of the Coronation of King Charles III by what is, after all, the taxpayer-funded national broadcaster;

    - Noting the expressed massive public outrage at the ABC’s coverage of the Coronation; and

    - Noting the ABC’s high-handed and dismissive attitude to the thousands of complaints received over its coverage of the Coronation. 

    HEREBY respectfully request the Australian Government to urgently amend the legislation pertaining to the ABC to ensure a truly independent ABC Ombudsman (or Inspector-General) is appointed to deal with the ever-growing number of complaints the ABC receives about its bias and general conduct.


    Sign the petition!
  • Volunteering for the AML Office

    13 July 2023



    AML has a new office and we need people to help man it as well as assist in the preliminaries of our campaign against a republic.

    If you live in Sydney and can volunteer or to offer your services in other ways, it would be appreciated if you would complete the survey below.

    Thank you

    Take the survey!
  • Casual Lunch Gatherings Sydney

    07 April 2023

    We are organising casual lunch gatherings of just a few people who are available on a particular day.  The lunches would be held at the Castlereagh Boutique Hotel otherwise known as the Masonic Club with individuals ordering and paying separately.  It would be an opportunity for like-minded friends to gather with no speeches or other formalities. 

    If you would like to receive invitations for these casual lunch gatherings, can you please complete this questionaire and also indicate what day is best for you.  We would then need to go with the majority decision.

    Take the survey!
  • Please Sign Our Petition for the Coronation

    18 March 2023

    The Coronation of His Majesty The King of Australia and Her Majesty the Queen Consort will take place on the 6th of May 2023. Both the United Kingdom and Canada have announced public celebrations to commemorate the event, with other Commonwealth Realms expected to follow suit.

    The Australian Monarchist League is calling on the Commonwealth Government to follow the precedent set by successive Australian Governments for the 1902, 1911, 1937 and 1953 coronations of previous Australian Monarchs and give the event its due respect with inclusive and lasting celebrations.

    As such:

    We, the undersigned, petition the Commonwealth Government, The Royal Australian Mint and Australia Post to commemorate the coronation of His Majesty The King on the 6th of May 2023 including in the following ways:

    1)  A circulated commemorative coin bearing the King’s effigy;
    2)  A set of commemorative Coronation stamps commissioned and sold by Australia Post;
    3)  The illumination of buildings and bridges across the country in royal blue
          (to represent the Australian flag and the Commonwealth of nations);
    4)  Open days and celebratory presentations at all vice-regal residences across Australia; and
    5)  An Australian Coronation Medal



    NOTE: where is says 'Will you sign' means simply inserting your name & address.

    Sign the petition!
  • The 2023 Referendum Bill

    10 January 2023

    The federal government is changing the way in which referendums will be held and are introducing a new referendum bill into the Parliament.

    Whilst the Constitution specifies the way in which people vote at a referendum, the mechanics of how they do this are contained within an Act of the Parliament.

    The proposed Referendum Act (the Referendum Bill (Machinery Provisions) Amendment Bill 2023) will:

    • Require strict disclosure of campaign donations and expenditure.
    • Restrict foreign donations.
    • Remove any funding for the ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ campaigns.
    • Fund MPs to communicate with electors via modern communication methods with appropriate authorisations.

    As far as providing detail on what changes to be made to the Constitution, the Minister for Indigenous Australians, the Hon Linda Burney MP, is reported to have stated that ‘the exact model (of the Voice to the Parliament) would be settled after the vote, saying “that was a matter for parliament.”’ (quote from SMH 1/1/23)

    Whilst the Australian Monarchist League has no defined position on the Voice, we stand vehemently against any move to flout the traditional conventions governing referendums or to bypass the provision of full information to the people to enable them to make their own decisions. 

    If the government succeeds in getting away with this subterfuge, we can expect the same to occur with a referendum on a republic.  We therefore urge all monarchists to sign the below letter to the Prime Minister and to the Leader of the Opposition. We will also be making representation to the Parliament in this regard.

    We would emphasise that by signing this letter you are not making a commitment one way or the other on the matter of the Voice only in regard to the proposed Referendum Act which is so dictatorially biased in favour of the government position that it silences and virtually disenfranchises all opposition.

    Thank you


    Open Letter to:

    The Hon Anthony Albanese MP
    Prime Minister
    Parliament House
    The Hon Peter Dutton MP
    Leader of the Opposition
    PO Box 6022
    House of Representatives
    Parliament House
    Canberra ACT 2600

    RE: Referendum Bill (Machinery Provisions) Amendment Bill 2023

    The undersigned are of the opinion that the provisions contained within the Referendum Bill (Machinery Provisions) Amendment Bill 2023 are insufficient to enable voters to be properly informed prior to casting their votes at a referendum and request that the following amendments and conditions be considered prior to its passage through the parliament:

    1) First, that full disclosure is made of the exact text that is proposed to be approved by the referendum for insertion into the Australian Constitution;

    2) Second, that steps be taken to inform the entire electorate precisely regarding each of the following:
    a. how, by that proposed text, the Voice to the Parliament will be constituted;
    b. how the body would operate;
    c. to explain the process and eligibility for determining membership;
    d. to describe what powers and influences it would have over whom and to what effect;
    e. to describe the checks and balances by which its powers would be circumscribed; and
    f. importantly, to provide information to the electorate regarding the extent to which the proposed text could be anticipated to be sent to the Courts for adjudication on the constitution, operation, and powers of the Voice.

    3) Third, that the Bill, if it becomes law, require that hard-copy statements from both the official Yes and No cases making the case for or against constitutional change be sent by Australia Post to all electors, as has been near-universal precedent since 1912.



    Sign the petition!
  • AML Online Groups

    03 January 2023

    As we enter 2023, we are restructuring and expanding the Australian Monarchist League to enable us to better face the government’s campaign to remove the Crown from the Australian Constitution.

    To assist us in this regard we are forming a few online groups and invite monarchists to join any eligible group if they wish.

    These initial groups are:

    Women’s AML Group
    This will be a group for ladies to meet online and discuss monarchy matters relevant to them.

    Veterans Group
    This is a group for the many veterans we have amongst our database may wish to join together to support the Crown that all have made allegiance to uphold.

    Over 65s Group
    Any monarchist over 65 is invited to join this group.

    Fundraising Group
    This is a group to bring together persons with professional fundraising expertise.

    Online Format
    The format for meeting online will be decided by each group

    Take the survey!
  • Survey on What Functions Best Suit Members

    15 November 2022

    This survey has been created around the luncheon we have with our campaign chairman, the Hon. Eric Abetz scheduled for 30 November. However, your answers to the questions contained herein will assist us in organising AML activities in future.

    For your information you can also access details of the lunch here: Hon. Eric Abetz Lunch

    Take the survey!
  • Survey on What Functions Best Suit Members

    15 November 2022

    We note that you have not booked in for the lunch with the Hon. Eric Abetz on Wednesday 30 November and, to assist us in being able to better cater to the requirements of members, are wondering whether you can let us know why you will not be attending this lunch and what sort of functions you would prefer.

    For your information you can access details of the lunch here: Hon. Eric Abetz Lunch

    Take the survey!
  • An Appeal for Contributions April 2022

    28 March 2022

  • The 2022 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Republican?

    17 February 2022


    AML Surveys

    From time to time we ask questions on various issues which help us to know what our supporters and potentially the wider community are thinking. With the possibility of an Albanese republican government, with a Minister for a Republic, in place in a few months’ time it is important for us to get some idea of this thinking to enable us to prepare.

    The following survey is to ascertain whether our members would prefer the Liberal/National Party to remain in power or whether they favour a Labor government even though it is committed to a republican agenda. The way our voting system is set up, it can only be one or the other at this stage.

    In no way do we wish to breach confidentiality and participation in the survey is totally optional. All answers will be kept confidential.

    Make sure the box “Don't publish my responses on the website” if It appears, is ticked.

    Take the survey!
  • Loyal Greetings to The Queen on the Occasion of Her Platinum Jubilee

    06 January 2022

    The Queens Platinum Jubilee

    We invite all those who wish to honour Queen Elizabeth II on reaching 70 years on the throne to sign the below tribute and also include a personal greeting.

    Please note that your comments should be no longer than one sentence and should not contain any commas. Due to space requirements, we will not be able to include anything longer than 30 words.


    TO: H.M. Queen Elizabeth II

    Your Majesty

    May it please Your Most Gracious Majesty to receive the Loyal Greetings of the members and supporters of the Australian Monarchist League, and particularly of those named hereunder, on the occasion of Your Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee.

    We send to Your Majesty our heartfelt wishes and pray that this year will bring happiness, good health and many blessings as the entire Commonwealth pays tribute to you for your constant service and duty to us all.



    Sign the petition!
  • Platinum Jubilee Lobbying Campaign

    22 November 2021

  • The Prince of Wales & Climate Change Action

    14 November 2021

    The subject of climate change and proposed human intervention is one that has created deep divisions amongst Australians. Whilst it is not a matter that falls within our mandate, we have nevertheless become enmeshed because of the advocacy of the Prince of Wales in promoting action and the resulting implications this may have to the future of our system of constitutional monarchy.

    Members will be well aware that I have expressed concerns over many years to his Royal Highness pointing out that as he is carrying out duties on behalf of the Queen it is incumbent on him not to make any comment on any matter of controversy and that his future subjects would obviously have differing opinions on differing issues all of which he must respect whether he agrees or not.

    It is important for us, the Australian Monarchist League to be aware of the opinions of our support base on this issue and we would therefore very much appreciate your answering a couple of questions in any, sort of, survey. This will help us plan a pathway through this difficult time.

    Take the survey!
  • An Open Letter to the Prime Minister

    11 October 2021

    (Date to be inserted)

    Hon Scott Morrison MP
    PO Box 6022
    House of Representatives
    Parliament House
    Canberra ACT 2600

    Dear Prime Minister

    We, the undersigned, write with regard to the upcoming Platinum Jubilee celebrating Her Majesty’s 70 years on the Throne. For more than half of Australia’s existence as an independent and sovereign nation, Queen Elizabeth has been the sovereign head of state of Australia and is the person to whom you and the entire federal parliament owe faithful and true allegiance.

    We very much regret that it appears from correspondence emanating from your office that your government proposes the barest minimum of celebrations to honour the Jubilee putting the excuse for so doing on Her Majesty herself because of her comments in regard to an earlier Jubilee to the effect that any festivities should be kept low-key. However, surely that comment was a suggestion and in no way a directive. In any event, not only were those comments made a decade or so ago but the onus is surely on the government to decide whether or not to properly honour this milestone in Australia’s history and is not reliant on the Queen’s selfless modesty. From recent reports more than a billion people worldwide are expected to watch the four days of Jubilee festivities in the UK in June next year: festivities in which the Queen herself will take centre stage.

    The television cameras will most likely span festivities occurring in all of the Queen's Realms and we only hope that Australians will not be disappointed by any sort of miserly treatment of this festival by the Australian government. We would furthermore remind you that we are not a republic but a constitutional monarchy, by a substantial vote of the people, even though your government seems to ignore this fact.

    There is much that your government could do which would not create considerable expenditure and to treat this very significant occasion with seemingly casual disregard would most certainly be considered by monarchists throughout the country to be disrespectful of Her Majesty.

    We therefore formally request that your government does everything it reasonably can to honour the Queen on the occasion of her Platinum Jubilee and furthermore that you desist from placing blame on Her Majesty for your government’s shortcomings in not planning adequate celebrations to date.

    Sign the petition!
  • Petition to the Senate Regarding the Platinum Jubilee

    10 May 2021

    The Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II

    Available only to Australian Citizens and Permanent Residents

    In one year's time, on 6 February 2022, the Queen will have been 70 years on the throne. A milestone never reached before by any British monarch and by only three other monarchs in known history. [The others were Louis XIV of France d 1715 (72+ years), Rama IX of Thailand d 2016 (70+ years) and Johann II of Liechtenstein d 1929 (70+ years)].

    Following the Queen's visit to Australia in 1954, where an estimated 75% of Australia’s population came out to cheer her as she travelled around Australia, Australian governments did relatively little to celebrate her Golden and Diamond Jubilees and, as a consequence, they passed by relatively unnoticed.

    This is an e-petition calling on the Senate to establish an all-party group to prepare nation-wide celebrations honouring the Queen on her Platinum Jubilee.

    We call upon all those who honour the Queen to sign this online petition which will be tabled in the Senate in its June sitting.

    The current rules governing petitions to the Australian Senate require your real name and a genuine email address. Since these details may be verified by parliamentary officers it is essential that our petition does not reach any stumbling block. This petition is totally in-house and does not use any external facility. Accordingly, your details will be kept absolutely confidential at all times and names and email addresses will not be used by us unless you opt in to receive information from the Australian Monarchist League including details of the petition and its presentation and reception in the Senate.

    Yours sincerely

    Philip Benwell
    National Chair
    Australian Monarchist League


    PS: Some servers block links and if you are facing any difficulty in signing the petition, just send us your name and email address with permission for us to include you. [email protected]

    To the Honourable President and members of the Senate in Parliament assembled:

    The petition of the undersigned shows:

    • 6 February 2022 will be the 70th anniversary of the accession of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to the throne of Australia.
    • A platinum jubilee is a milestone never before reached by a monarch in the shared history of Australia, the United Kingdom and the 14 other Commonwealth realms. It is an historic occasion worthy of public celebration.
    • On 12 January 2021 the British Parliament established an all-party parliamentary group called “The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Society of the Houses of Parliament” to discuss how to best mark the Platinum Jubilee in the United Kingdom

    Your petitioners ask that the Senate:

    initiate a working group, consisting of Senators and Members of the House of Representatives from all parties, to plan nationwide events to celebrate this momentous occasion.

    Sign the petition!
  • ABC Refuses to Broadcast Queen's Message

    31 March 2021

    There is therefore no need to sign the petition, although, if you are new to the Australian Monarchist League, please consider signing up to receive our updates.

    The Queen's Message can be viewed here.


    Other than at Christmas, the Queen has made few televised addresses but she is to make an address to the Commonwealth tomorrow, Sunday 5 April 2020.

    However,our understanding is that the ABC is purposefully not broadcasting the message. We call on all monarchists to sign this online petition calling on the public broadcaster to air the message from the Queen of Australia to her people.

    I call on the Australian Broadcasting Authority to broadcast the message from the Queen which is to be released on Sunday 5 April, 2020.

    Sign the petition!
  • Happy Birthday Your Majesty

    10 March 2021



    On the 21st of April 2021, Queen Elizabeth II will be 95 years of age and thus becomes the longest living and the longest reigning monarch in British history. She is a lady who has rarely set a foot wrong during her long reign and is someone who always has a cheery smile for all.

    We all know the words that she spoke by radio from South Africa on her 21st birthday “I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.”. From the unexpected time her father became King as George VI, in December 1936, the then Princess Elizabeth began training for her future role as Queen. She was ten years of age at the time and from then on her life was to become one of duty and service, qualities which have dominated her whole adult life.

    As her 95th birthday approaches, 74 years on from those immortal words, the Australian Monarchist League pays tribute, not just to a wonderful woman of duty and inspiration, but to our very own Queen. Please consider adding your name to the form set out below. This will be printed and sent to Her Majesty with our sincere and devoted greetings.

    Yours sincerely

    Philip Benwell
    National Chair
    Australian Monarchist League

    TO: H.M. Queen Elizabeth II

    Your Majesty

    May it please Your Majesty to accept the loyal greetings of the members and supporters of the Australian Monarchist League and particularly of those named hereunder.

    We send to Your Majesty our very best wishes and heartfelt greetings on the occasion of your 95th birthday.  We wish you as much happiness and joy as you have given to all of your people through your constant service and duty to us all.

    Happy birthday Your Majesty.

    Sign the petition!
  • Petition Calling on Republic MP to Retract Slur on Queen

    17 July 2020

    The Honourable Matt Thistlethwaite MP, Shadow Assistant Minister for Financial Services and Shadow Assistant Minister for the Republic, posted on Tuesday 14 July 2020 on his Facebook “Today’s release in full of the Palace Letters confirm that Australia needs to begin another serious discussion about an Australian as our head of state – an Australian who acts is the interests of our nation and its people, not beholden to the advice, influence and interests of a foreign power.” [meaning that the Queen acts in the interests of a ‘foreign power ‘ with the inference that she is, herself, a 'foreign power']. Mr Thistlethwaite has also publicly repeated his claims on television and elsewhere.

    Please sign this petition calling on Mr Thistlethwaite to retract his unfounded and quite blatantly wrong remarks relating to the Queen of Australia as being a foreign power. The Queen and her successors will always, without question or doubt, act in the interests of Australia.



    Sign the petition!
  • Petition to Protect Our Australian Way of Life

    11 June 2020

    Australians get to enjoy an amazing quality of life with family and friends.

    Our unique and long established Westminster system of government provides us with peace and prosperity, allowing us to enjoy time with family, privately help the less fortunate in the community, and invest for future generations.

    Australian Monarchist League is calling for a show of support from the Australian community to petition so we keep the current Australian Westminster system of government

    What makes Australia the best country on earth?

    People, families, and communities thrive in Australia. Where else in the world can citizens receive:

    Job and business opportunities
    Top level healthcare
    World class education
    Beautiful and diverse environment
    Security and regulation
    Affordable utilities
    Reliable infrastructure

    The Australian government provides us with all these things, it shows how efficient and effective our system of government is. 

    Why is the Australian government so successful while other countries struggle?

    The key difference is, Australia has its own unique Westminster system of government which contains a:

    Lower House
    (i.e. House of Representatives)
    Publicly elected
    Proposes policies and changes.


    Upper House
    (i.e. Senate)
    Publicly elected
    Reviews, approves and amends proposed policies and changes.


    (i.e. Crown's Representative)
    Takes control in exceptional circumstances.
    Prime Minister can petition the Crown to dismiss the Governor-General.


    The Lower House proposes policies, and the Upper House reviews, approves and can amend the proposed policies.

    This two-step process distributes the power amongst the politicians and allows for constructive debate and solutions that satisfy the wider community.

    The Governor-General’s role is to ensure this political process is working.

    How is Australia now under threat?

    The republican lobby groups are pushing to replace the Governor-General with an elected or appointed head of state that will likely belong to one of the two major Australian political parties.

    If one political party held a majority in the lower house and upper house, and also held the head of state, that political party could exploit their position to remain in power uncontested.

    It would be the beginning of political corruption and the end of Australia as we know it. 

    Sign the petition to show your support in keeping the current Australian Westminster system of government.

    Sign the petition!
  • Queen's Birthday Survey

    07 June 2020


    There are calls by republicans and others to replace The Queen’s Birthday Holiday with – we don’t know what.

    The holiday is Australia’s oldest public holiday instituted by Governor Arthur Philip in 1788. It is held in June or October in the case of WA & Qld, to suit the calendars within each State. Its purpose is to honour the Queen of Australia.

    We are looking for responses from as many people as possible to determine their views on this matter. We believe that most will be against change and the answers will bolster our arguments to retain the holiday.

    Take the survey!
  • Attack on Capt Cook

    30 April 2020

    One of Victoria's most senior health advisers had compared Captain Cook’s arrival in Australia with the deadly coronavirus pandemic.



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  • Congratulating the Prime Minister

    09 April 2020

    Labor leader, Anthony Albanese has called on the prime minister to provide more funding to the ABC. The prime minister has rejected the call and should be congratulated.

    To the Prime Minister, the Hon. Scott Morrison MP
    Parliament House

    I applaud your decision in dismissing the call from Labor leader, Anthony Albanese, to reverse the government’s funding freeze on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

    Sign the petition!

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