Media Releases
The One Day Earlier Campaign
19 January 2018
Those who are promoting changing the date of Australia Day by just one day from the 26th January to the 25th January are sadly mistaken if they think it would make one iota of difference to those groups attacking Australia Day because they are not really attacking the date but everything that British settlement means to them. They want to abolish Australia Day totally and once they have done that they will then start on the Australian flag and other symbols and traditions of our Australian heritage including our system of constitutional monarchy.
Monarchists write to prime minister regarding Labor’s Spokespersons for ‘An Australian Head of State’
18 January 2018
The Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP
Prime Minister
Parliament House
CANBERRA ACT 2600Dear Prime Minister
We understand that Mr Matt Thistlewaite MP, who bears the strange title ‘Shadow Assistant Minister for an Australian Head of State’, will shortly be embarking upon an 18 month campaign touring Australia promoting the removal of the Crown from the Australian. Constitution.
Turnbull Proposes Postal Survey to Reignite Republic
01 January 2018
Malcolm Turnbull today forecast holding a postal survey on a republic to ‘reignite the debate’ ( 1.1.18).
Indoctrination in Schools Is Rife
27 December 2017
The incident of the Brisbane high school accused of indoctrinating its students with politically biased assignments is not, we fear, unusual.
For many years the teaching and the marking of students right up and through university level has been based on the bias of the teacher or the lecturer rather than on the student’s knowledge of English and grammar and ability to reason. -
17 December 2017
News (The Australian 15-12-17) that the Australian Republic Movement is to announce the establishment of a high-level advisory panel including a number of politicians and big-businessmen comes as no surprise because the campaign for ‘an Australian head of state’ has always been all about politicians and big business controlling the top job.
13 December 2017
Politicians Should Put National Interest Before Party
The pre-resignation comments of Senator Sam Dastyari indicate what is wrong with the Parliament and indeed politics in general today.