AGM of The Victorian Young Monarchists (VYM)

AGM of The Victorian Young Monarchists (VYM)

An Invitation is extended to
Young Monarchists

(under 31 years of age)
to attend the Victorian YM AGM


EVENT:  The AGM of The Victorian Young Monarchists (VYM)
WHERE: The Charles Dickens Tavern, 290 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000
WHEN:  Wednesday 7 June 2023. Meet at 6:25pm for a 6:30pm start.

In order to vote, attendees must be financial members of the Australian Monarchist League aged between 18-30.

Attendees are welcome to stay on for meals and drinks following the AGM.

RSVP below:


June 07, 2023 at 6:25pm - 8:25pm


The Charles Dickens Tavern


Orlando Surcel Riley Hanson Anthony Clarke Matthew Stratton Rachel Bailes Jeremy Mann

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