World Ocean Day - Australia's Involvement in the Commonwealth Blue Charter
World Ocean Day - Australia's Involvement in the Commonwealth Blue Charter
World Ocean Day is on 8th of June, which is a day to celebrate and honour the ocean, which connects us all.
Forty-six members of the Commonwealth have a marine coastline. Globally, Commonwealth marine waters account for over one-third (35%) of national marine jurisdictions.
Provided for illustrative purposes only, Information drawn from Flanders Marine Institute (2018) Maritime Boundaries Geodatabase: Maritime Boundaries and Exclusive Economic Zones (200NM), version 10. Available online at and
In 2018, the Commonwealth created the Commonwealth Blue Charter so that all members of the Commonwealth can work together in protecting and restoring our coastlines with shared values and principles.
Australia has become a co-Champion in an action group for Coral Reef Protection and Restoration, as 42% of the world's reefs are in Commonwealth waters and Australia has one of the biggest.
About the Coral Reef Protection and Restoration Action Group
Australia, Belize and Mauritius have teamed up to co-Champion this action group.
Reefs have the highest biodiversity of all ecosystems on the planet and are home to ¼ of all known marine species, they support 250 million people directly through fish, tourism and coastal protection, and many more indirectly.
However, 20% of the world’s coral reefs have been effectively destroyed and show no immediate prospects of recovery.
Some 24% are under imminent risk of collapse through human pressures and a further 26% are under a longer term threat of collapse.
Active interventions to aid their recovery are necessary.
The Coral Reef Protection and Restoration will highlight good practices in the restoration of coral reefs. Each champion is bringing relevant expertise and experience to the Action Group, to be shared and developed with interested member countries. It will be a platform to promote collaborative research, workshops and seminars, showcasing successful case studies among the Commonwealth.
To learn about other action groups or learn more about the Commonwealth Blue Charter, visit the website .
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