Webinar with Jarrod Bleijie MP

Webinar with Jarrod Bleijie MP

This Thursday we are delighted to present as our guest speaker:

Jarrod Bleijie MP

Former Attorney-General of Queensland
Shadow Minister for Education & Industrial Relations

AML Life Member & Spokesperson

The man who has done more for the monarchy
than any other politician in recent times.

Jarrod will speak on

“Why I am a Monarchist”

Thursday 30th  July 2020


7:30 pm AEST



As Attorney-General, Jarrod reintroduced the status of Queen’s Counsel
which was followed by all States excepting New South Wales. He also
amended the oath of Justices of the Peace to reinstate the oath to the Queen.
He organised the naming of the new Brisbane Court Complex,
The Queen Elizabeth Courts.



July 30, 2020 at 7:30pm - 10:30pm


Webinar with Jarrod Bleijie MP


Paul Bennett Sue Huggins Darilyn Adams Adam Cass Ian Cameron Brendan Whyte Mary Sullivan Ramsay Nuthall Augusta Saunders Ray Michelle Geoff Stevenson Peter Hammon Sean Burke Boston Edwards Helen Connell Barclay McGain Lindsay Jenkins Esmay Woods Blake Leach Santo Santoro Helen Dowell Samuel Chamberlain Wesley Fairhall Jeremy Mann Laura & Jonathan Malota Anne Smith William Henry Margaret Makewell Michael McMahon Mitch Cheng-Mader Neil Husband Robert Bickerton Rebecca Anderson Anthony L Clarke David d'Lima John Macaulay Sam Osborn Fiona Lynch sheila Griffiths Brian Gough James McGeough Alan Phessey william woods Matthew Couch Trudy-Marie Sharman Arnis Luks Christian Rowan Louis Cook

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