Sydney Meetup 6 April 2021

Sydney Meetup 6 April 2021


All are invited to the

AML casual drinks and networking evening

on the
6th April 2021
commencing at 6 pm
Cheers Bar - downstairs basement level
561 George Street

Our guest will be the conservative journalist, Sean Burke who will give a short talk on the threat of Wokeness followed by everyone just meeting and chatting around world new events, our constitution, heritage and anything else that might be of interest.

Sean Burke is a journalist, formerly of News Ltd. and PBL media; he is currently Managing Editor of the online news site Politicom. In addition, he managed electoral campaigns for Mike Baird, Tony Abbott, Jim Molan and others.

Why not go to his site and sign up for his free newsletter?

Please come along with your friends for what promises to be a fun and informative evening!

PLEASE NOTE: The bar is allowing us to use the downstairs room on the basis that we patronise it for a drink and possibly food. This enables us to hold the function without charge.

You can RSVP below


April 06, 2021 at 6:00pm - 9pm


Jim Simpson Mike Elliott Charles Edmondson Roger Pike Brian Robson ian butler Philip Benwell Charles Camenzuli Benjamin Green John Macaulay Ramzy Mansour Merinda Hewat-Cameron Fiona Lynch sue huggins

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