The Prince of Wales & Climate Change Action

The Prince of Wales & Climate Change Action

The subject of climate change and proposed human intervention is one that has created deep divisions amongst Australians. Whilst it is not a matter that falls within our mandate, we have nevertheless become enmeshed because of the advocacy of the Prince of Wales in promoting action and the resulting implications this may have to the future of our system of constitutional monarchy.

Members will be well aware that I have expressed concerns over many years to his Royal Highness pointing out that as he is carrying out duties on behalf of the Queen it is incumbent on him not to make any comment on any matter of controversy and that his future subjects would obviously have differing opinions on differing issues all of which he must respect whether he agrees or not.

It is important for us, the Australian Monarchist League to be aware of the opinions of our support base on this issue and we would therefore very much appreciate your answering a couple of questions in any, sort of, survey. This will help us plan a pathway through this difficult time.

Do you agree with the Morrison government’s position of net zero emissions by 2050?

Showing 241 reactions

  • Rod Goodall
    answered 2021-11-18 15:54:00 +1100
    Q: Do you agree with the Morrison government’s position of net zero emissions by 2050?
    A: No
  • Peter Kalina
    answered 2021-11-18 14:51:33 +1100
    Q: Please can you indicate your age group
    A: 61–75
  • Peter Kalina
    answered 2021-11-18 14:51:20 +1100
    Q: Finally, can you briefly explain in one paragraph why you agree or disagree with the Prince of Wales on the matter of climate change?
    A: Climate is always changing. There is nothing exceptional about todays climate. We have the resources to deal with any perceived climate problems.
  • Peter Kalina
    answered 2021-11-18 14:48:55 +1100
    Q: Do you support the advocacy of the Prince of Wales in regard to action on climate change?
    A: No
  • Peter Kalina
    answered 2021-11-18 14:48:41 +1100
    Q: Do you agree with the Morrison government’s position of net zero emissions by 2050?
    A: No
  • Pia C
    answered 2021-11-18 14:30:40 +1100
    Q: Please can you indicate your age group
    A: 51–60
  • Pia C
    answered 2021-11-18 14:30:32 +1100
    Q: Finally, can you briefly explain in one paragraph why you agree or disagree with the Prince of Wales on the matter of climate change?
    A: “Climate change” or the protection of our precious Earth should be an absolute priority for every person on this planet – we are borrowing it from the future, we ALL have an obligation to protect it for future generations. Or they will suffer. Not us now, we owe it to them. To say we should continue to expoit fossil fuel use until something else can replace it is an abhorrent crime to future generations. Alternative energy needs to be in use now. The long term effect of fossil fuel industry doesn’t start at the exhaust of a car. Exploration, mining, processing, refining, transporting, using, disposal has a colossal effect. Using billions of litres of a fossil fuel to dig up a fossil fuel is absurdity.
    Of course the Prince of Wales, on a topic he rightly has long been known to be passionate about, should promote the idea. Every person with a voice should do the same. Shame on anyone who cannot think beyond their own 80 year needs.
  • Pia C
    answered 2021-11-18 14:24:06 +1100
    Q: Do you support the advocacy of the Prince of Wales in regard to action on climate change?
    A: Yes
  • Pia C
    answered 2021-11-18 14:23:56 +1100
    Q: Do you agree with the Morrison government’s position of net zero emissions by 2050?
    A: Yes
  • Lynette Pollard
    answered 2021-11-18 13:46:29 +1100
    Q: Do you support the advocacy of the Prince of Wales in regard to action on climate change?
    A: No
  • Lynette Pollard
    answered 2021-11-18 13:46:11 +1100
    Q: Do you agree with the Morrison government’s position of net zero emissions by 2050?
    A: Yes
  • Greg Peters
    answered 2021-11-18 13:28:26 +1100
    Q: Please can you indicate your age group
    A: 61–75
  • Greg Peters
    answered 2021-11-18 13:28:09 +1100
    Q: Finally, can you briefly explain in one paragraph why you agree or disagree with the Prince of Wales on the matter of climate change?
    A: The idea of ‘Climate change’ is unscientific nonsense.
    It is inappropriate for the Prince to comment on such a divisive topic. He is wrong to comment.
  • Greg Peters
    answered 2021-11-18 13:24:46 +1100
    Q: Do you support the advocacy of the Prince of Wales in regard to action on climate change?
    A: No
  • Greg Peters
    answered 2021-11-18 13:24:29 +1100
    Q: Do you agree with the Morrison government’s position of net zero emissions by 2050?
    A: No
  • Matthew Shedden
    answered 2021-11-18 13:24:19 +1100
    Q: Please can you indicate your age group
    A: 51–60
  • Matthew Shedden
    answered 2021-11-18 13:24:05 +1100
    Q: Finally, can you briefly explain in one paragraph why you agree or disagree with the Prince of Wales on the matter of climate change?
    A: The ideology, hysteria and hype behind climate change is exactly that. And there is no space in the discussion for anyone who has an opposing position. Even the scientists who differ are silenced or shut down. Fossil fuels must remain as our base load until a viable, affordable and reliable alternative is found.
  • Matthew Shedden
    answered 2021-11-18 13:18:45 +1100
    Q: Do you support the advocacy of the Prince of Wales in regard to action on climate change?
    A: No
  • Matthew Shedden
    answered 2021-11-18 13:18:27 +1100
    Q: Do you agree with the Morrison government’s position of net zero emissions by 2050?
    A: No
  • Christopher Elston
    followed this page 2021-11-18 13:07:52 +1100
  • Jonathan Ashworth
    answered 2021-11-18 13:06:14 +1100
    Q: Please can you indicate your age group
    A: 41–50
  • Jonathan Ashworth
    answered 2021-11-18 13:05:02 +1100
    Q: Finally, can you briefly explain in one paragraph why you agree or disagree with the Prince of Wales on the matter of climate change?
    A: I actually agree with the Prince of Wales that climate action is an important priority, and that the nations of the World can’t keep burying their heads in the sand, and refusing to act, primarily for economic reasons.
    That said, as the Prince of Wales starts to take on a more prominent role, as his mother’s physical capacity to carry out her constitutional role starts to wane, I am concerned that the Prince of Wales may unwillingly be dragged into a partisan debate about the future of the climate.
    I appreciate that this is a difficult balancing act for Prince Charles, and that he has had to carve out a role for himself as a result of the longevity of his mother’s reign, but he should be mindful that the needs of the Constitution are greater than his own individual and sincerely-held beliefs.
  • Jonathan Ashworth
    answered 2021-11-18 12:50:02 +1100
    Q: Do you support the advocacy of the Prince of Wales in regard to action on climate change?
    A: Somewhat
  • Jonathan Ashworth
    answered 2021-11-18 12:49:06 +1100
    Q: Do you agree with the Morrison government’s position of net zero emissions by 2050?
    A: Yes
  • Berwan Dekker
    answered 2021-11-18 12:21:21 +1100
    Q: Please can you indicate your age group
    A: 18–30
  • Berwan Dekker
    answered 2021-11-18 12:21:15 +1100
    Q: Finally, can you briefly explain in one paragraph why you agree or disagree with the Prince of Wales on the matter of climate change?
    A: I support the idea of reducing co2 emmisions, but I am not sure it is suitable for the heir to the throne to be holding a public position on a controversial matter.
  • Berwan Dekker
    answered 2021-11-18 12:19:47 +1100
    Q: Do you support the advocacy of the Prince of Wales in regard to action on climate change?
    A: Somewhat
  • Berwan Dekker
    answered 2021-11-18 12:19:37 +1100
    Q: Do you agree with the Morrison government’s position of net zero emissions by 2050?
    A: Yes
  • Rohan Williams
    answered 2021-11-18 12:17:13 +1100
    Q: Please can you indicate your age group
    A: 41–50
  • Rohan Williams
    answered 2021-11-18 12:17:00 +1100
    Q: Finally, can you briefly explain in one paragraph why you agree or disagree with the Prince of Wales on the matter of climate change?
    A: I am not convinced that we have the ability to reverse or slow climate change. I actually doubt very much that we do.