Pledge to Queen Needs to Go Say Republicans
Pledge to Queen Needs to Go Say Republicans
Pledge to Queen Needs to Go Say Republicans
The Australian Republican Movement have just conducted a survey through the polling company Essential Media asking the question “As you may be aware, elected members of the Australian Parliament are required to make a pledge of allegiance. Who do you think they should be required to pledge to serve and bear allegiance to?”
They claim that 75% of Australians voted that the pledge should be to Australia and the Australian people which is blatantly wrong. It would be better to say 75% of republicans because on closer inspection it appears that only 1075 individuals actually responded. The Australian Monarchist League has casually internally polled its members with 1128 immediately responding, all supporting the retention of allegiance to the Queen. They know full well that when a member of Parliament swears or affirms allegiance to the Queen, they are doing so to the Crown, which is integral to the Australian Constitution and which represents all people and not just a section of elitists.
The point is, unless there is widespread polling by an independent pollster, no results can be taken as being indicative of the “Australian People’s” wishes. Even then, there is no poll so final as the referendum itself.
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