Newsletter November 2020
Newsletter November 2020
Click here to download a PDF of the newsletter.
The Duke of Cambridge Tested Positive For COVID-19 in April
News has recently been released that the Duke of Cambridge, Prince William, had tested positive for COVID-19 in April but is understood to have kept his diagnosis quiet because he didn't want to cause worry particularly since his father, the Prince of Wales, had also tested positive just weeks earlier.
During the crisis and particularly during his father’s isolation, Prince William was the active face of the monarchy.
He had isolated for seven days at Anmer Hall in Norfolk where the Duchess of Cambridge and their three children were also staying. Fortunately, none of them had caught the virus.
During his isolation, although he was ill, he continued to carry out engagements including some 14 telephone and video calls. In this manner he has followed the example of the Queen and his father, the Prince of Wales, in putting duty first and foremost.
Hopefully things will soon start to normalise and we can look forward to a visit by the Duke and Duchess and their three children to Australia.
The Anniversary of The Republic Referendum
On the 6th of November 2020, monarchists celebrated the 21st anniversary of the defeat of the republic referendum in 1999. This was the day when the majority of Australians, both nationwide and in all States, voted decisively against a republic and for the Queen.
It was the day when MalcolmTurnbull, the then head of the Republican Movement, attacked John Howard saying, in front of the news cameras, that he was "the prime minister who broke this nation's heart." Actually, the reverse was true. Howard actually bent over backwards to be fair to the republican movement, even changing the wording of the referendum to suit Turnbull.
As you know, Malcolm Turnbull later became Prime Minister of Australia but but he never sought to promote another referendum on a republic saying "I do not believe Australians would welcome let alone support another republic referendum during her reign. And as you know I have held this view for some time."
It may also be that there was an undertaking that he not pursue a republican agenda at the time of his entering the parliament in 2004.
Whatever the case, over two decades have now passed without the Australian parliament voting to hold a plebiscite or referendum on a republic, although we did come close to this happening in 2019 had a Shorten government been elected. Our intelligence was that an alliance had been struck between Labor and the Australian Republican Movement prior to the election. As you may know Shorten had appointed a spokesperson for a republic, as did Albanese following his election as leader. A post that continues to this day.
It Was Never About The Model
A widely held belief by republicans and some monarchists was that the referendum was lost because many people who wanted a republic did not want the model that was put forward and whilst, undoubtedly, there were some republicans of this viewpoint, most would have opted for what was on offer. It would be akin to being a diehard Liberal or Labor voter voting for the other party just because you didn’t like the leader of your political party - it rarely happens. The facts are that ordinary people - as opposed to the yuppie elites - put their trust in the Queen rather than a big-business backed politician-president. Traditional Labor in outer suburban electorates voted en masse for the monarchy as did all country electorates. There was a nationwide vote of 55% for the monarchy with all states voting against a republic. Queensland recorded the highest NO vote with 62.56% against and Victoria the lowest with 50.16% against. Hardly the massive swing against our system of constitutional monarchy that the polls, the media, many politicians and others lied about at the time but this hasn’t stopped them continuing to mislead.
After such a massive defeat one would have expected the republicans to go away but they didn’t do so and kept hammering away, often against the odds, trying their best to resurrect a republic. Their hope was that there would be another referendum within 10 years.
By 2007 Labor was in power with two self-declared republican prime ministers in Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard. They were there for a total of five years and 206 days but neither of them pursued a republican agenda other than to talk about it.
Each time the issue of a republic was raised whether by republicans or the media, often one and the same, it was the Australian Monarchist League which alone responded. We have always been relentless in opposing any attempt by republicans to gain ground even though some supporters think we are wasting our time and that we should let republicans have their way.
Enter Peter Fitzsimons
In 2015 Peter FitzSimons became chairman of the Australian Republican Movement. FitzSimons is an Australian author, journalist, radio and television presenter and a former national representative rugby union player and was able to mobilise the support of big business for the ARM. James Packer donated a quarter of a million dollars, which I was later advised was ‘go away’ money so he wouldn’t be bothered again. Others, like the Irish/Australian Alan Joyce, also donated. This meant that the Australian Republican Movement became so well-funded that it was able to employ a number of qualified and specialised people to both manage their organisation and mount a professional campaign never before managed, even under Turnbull.
Not having wealthy backers like this, the Australian Monarchist League, with its voluntary officers, literally became a David against a Goliath but nevertheless we continued to oppose any republican initiative, often succeeding. We took to heart the words of former Labor Prime Minister Ben Chifley "If an idea is worth fighting for, no matter the penalty, fight for the right, and truth and justice will prevail" (10/6/1951).
In May 2019, Scott Morrison won what was thought to be the unwinnable election. One of the first acts that Morrison did when having earlier taken over the prime ministership from Malcolm Turnbull in August 2018 was to put back the Queen’s portrait in the Prime Minister’s office thus proving his monarchical credentials. It is likely that he will win the next election to be held either in 2021 or 2022 but, nothing is ever certain in politics and the Australian Monarchist League continues to prepare for the incessant attacks on the Crown and the Australian Constitution.
However obnoxiously he may do it, Peter FitzSimons does put forward what is considered to be a compelling argument in that, instead of getting the Queen to appoint the Governor-General that the parliament do this.
But what he doesn’t say is that, if this were to happen, the Crown would be removed and the Governor-General would be subject totally to politicians and would be, in fact, a president.
The fact is that our system is based on an elected parliament and an unelected monarchy each acting as a check on each other. The government is chosen from the elected parliament and makes the day-to-day decisions of running the country. The monarch through the Governor-General oversees legislation enacted by the Parliament and ensures that the constitutional requirements are abided by. The benefit of having an unelected monarch is that that monarch does not have to go through an election which means funding and political support which in turn means owing favours. Neither the Queen nor the Governor-General owe any favours to anyone. Their sole allegiance is to the people.
Many people object to the prime minister alone nominating the Governor-General. The Australian Monarchist League does not disagree with them. Our policy is that the nomination of a Governor-General should be agreed to by both the prime minister and the leader of the opposition thus providing a measure of impartiality.
Whatever the case, we should not forget that with the Queen appointing the Governor-General his, or her, allegiance is thereafter to the Crown and through the Crown to the Australian people never to the nominating politician.
The Australian Monarchist League
Now, some members feel that when we oppose or question any legislation that may impact upon the liberty and the freedom of the Australian people, which is underwritten by the Crown and the Constitution, we are going beyond our remit. But those wise men who drafted the Australian Constitution ensured that it was established under the Crown and in so doing guaranteed the protection of the liberties of the Australian people from the excesses of politicians and it is our duty to do whatever we can to protect those freedoms, even if it means venturing into the political arena.
There is a video on our YouTube site which was prepared for the 25th anniversary since our re-formation in 1993 which explains why we were reformed and some of the things we had done in our early days.
We have also been vocal on what we believe to be the unconstitutional use of power by state premiers in sealing off their states. We have not commented on whether the lockdowns were necessary or whether facemasks should be mandatory. Our concern is the arbitrary and dictatorial mandates state premiers have assumed. We believe that it is the federal government that should have immediately assumed charge and not left the running to a ramshackle unconstitutional National cabinet.
We also exposed the Victorian government introducing a bill into the Victorian Parliament called “COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2020.” This bill will create “designated authorised officers” who will be tasked with an enormous authority to detain what they may consider to be a “high risk person”.
As I have often said, the Australian Monarchist League is a monarchist organisation established to protect and promote the Crown within the Australian Constitution. In so doing we honour the Queen who is a part of our Constitution. We value the Crown which is fundamental to the Australian Constitution but we are not the sort of organisation that hankers after news of the doings of minor royals, of what they wear and what parties they may go to. No, let me be clear, the Australian Monarchist League is serious about doing serious work in ensuring that our Constitution is not devalued or even destroyed by the removal of the Crown. If this is not what any who subscribe to our emails is looking for then we will quite understand if you wish to unsubscribe and go elsewhere but please don’t complain when we stand up and speak out against any attempt to muzzle or infringe upon the constitutional freedoms of the Australian people.
The Saga of The 1975 Dismissal Continues
The nonsense over the dismissal of the Whitlam government in 1975 continues on with two journalists from the Murdoch-owned News Limited writing a new book about it. They have made much of a private and confidential letter written by Prince Charles in 1976, several months after the general election which was the prime reason for the dismissal and which should have put the whole issue to bed once and for all.
In the letter, Prince Charles personally empathizes with Sir John who was being continually vilified wherever he went and even spat upon by Whitlam supporters. The six-page handwritten letter was one of sympathy and understanding from a young man to a much older person who had become a sort of mentor.
Prince Charles had spent part of his education at Geelong Grammar School and loved Australia and had even discussed purchasing a property over here with Sir John. There was a bond between these two people and yet the letter has been dug up and trawled through for the slightest word that these journalists can use to discredit the Prince of Wales. They found one paragraph and all that that said was: “I can imagine that you must have come in for all sorts of misinformed criticism and prejudice since I saw you in January and I wanted you to know that I, at any rate, appreciate what you do and admire enormously the way you have performed (and continue to perform) your many and varied duties. Please don't lose heart. What you did last year was right and the courageous thing to do - and most Australians seemed to endorse your decision when it came to the point.”
These words of sympathy and kindness have been exaggerated beyond all normal comprehension but then these are not normal people. They are republicans seeking to sell their book and make money out of it. Yes, they are prepared to trash our Constitution for the sake of a few bucks. Needless to say, the rest of the media follow along in their own quest to bring on a republic.
However, we shouldn’t be surprised at all this. After all, the way an Australian republic is to be set up, whether the appointment of a president be by the Parliament or by the people, will be all about money.
I’m not talking just about the millions it will cost for an election campaign but more about the way in which the moneyed and corporate-elite will circle around the president to use the office to promote business and make money. In other words, it’s about buying a president. Why do you think corporate magnates like James Packer would give the ARM a small fortune? Go away money? No. it’s to bring on a republic?
But however much they may try; they can never buy the Australian people. Their money may be used for advertisements to influence but we can match them at their own game, particularly online.
They can also not get around the fact that the people trust the Queen. They certainly don’t trust republican politicians.
That was the case in 1999 and it remains the case today, 21 years later.
- Cartoon - Peter Fitzsimons taken from the cartoon by Johannes Leak
- Cartoon - Lost Causes by Ron Tandberg SMH
- Photograph - of the prime minister in his office with the photo of the Queen behind him.
- Photograph - of Prince Charles with Sir John & Lady Kerr
The Australian Monarchist League Christmas Lunch in Sydney
Wednesday 16 December 2020
Commencing at 12:30 pm
The City Tattersalls Club,
198 Pitt Street, Sydney
Cost: $75 (includes 2 course Christmas lunch with wines)
Click Here to RSVP
Loyal Then, Loyal Now: Why I'm a Monarchist
By Mitch Ramsay-Mader
I think anyone who lives in this great country and benefits from our constitutional framework can agree that no matter what your background, there are many reasons to support the Crown. I'm a constitutional monarchist because it is a system of government that is extremely effective in permitting the development of liberal democracies. However, the root of my convictions is much deeper and is partly to do with my heritage.
I wasn't born in Australia; in fact I've only been here six years. I came here to study in my early 20s and after meeting my Australian partner I decided to stay. I was born and raised in a city called Sydney in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia. Despite growing up almost as far away from Melbourne as you can get, I felt immediately at home when I arrived in Australia because our peoples, cultures, and systems of government are very similar. Both Canada and Australia are federations of former British colonies that have become middle powers in their own right. Whilst many newcomers to this country are unfamiliar with the great advantages we are afforded under our system of government, I was fortunate to come from another Commonwealth realm and already understood how very fortunate we are to live within a democracy under the Crown. Due to this I arrived an ardent monarchist, but whilst Canada and Australia are similar there are also key differences between the two countries and some of the reasons that I am a monarchist relate to Canada's unique history.
For those of you unfamiliar with the history of Canada and its founding peoples, I will provide a brief overview. Until the American rebellion of 1776 (known to Americans as the American Revolution), the bulk of the east coast of North America was known collectively as British North America. The portion of North America which now forms Canada was sparsely populated prior to 1776, with the southern colonies more popular amongst settlers due to their favourable climate. It was not until the American rebellion in the 1770s that the population of the northern colonies began to increase with the arrival of the United Empire Loyalists. The Loyalists were settlers in the southern colonies who sided with the Crown - that is to say, the British - during the rebellion. When the war was lost, those settlers loyal to the Crown migrated north to the safety of the remaining British colonies in North America. These remaining British colonies, which had declined invitations to join the rebellion, eventually became Canada when they were united into a single dominion by the British North America Act of 1867. These settlers were recognised by Lord Dorchester, Governor-General of British North America, for their allegiance to the Crown in a 1789 proclamation which provided that ‘those Loyalists who have adhered to the unity of the Empire, and joined the Royal Standard before the Treaty of Separation in the year 1783, and all the children and their descendants by either sex, are to be distinguished by the following capitals, affixed to their names: U.E. alluding to their great principle the unity of the Empire.’ These post-nominals are still used in Canada by descendants of the Loyalists (including yours truly) and remain the only hereditary title within the Canadian honours system. The right to use these post-nominals is today administered by the United Empire Loyalists Association of Canada, who assist people in substantiating their lineage and their right to use the post-nominals. Although today no special privileges accompany this right except for the right to use a Loyalist coronet in Canadian granted heraldic devices, the original Loyalists were granted 200 acres of land in recognition of their allegiance to the Crown.
I have always known that I was descended from Loyalists, but it wasn't until 2017 that I began researching my family history in partnership with the United Empire Loyalists Association of Canada. In the process I discovered a treasure trove of information about my family's past, including detailed accounts of some of my ancestors' experiences during the American rebellion. Like most Canadians, I had always been a monarchist – we are lucky in Canada that the vast majority of people and politicians support the Crown as the core of our Canadian democracy – but reading about the terrible violence my ancestors were subjected to simply for their loyalty to king and country only served to strengthen my resolve to ensure that the Crown – our most important institution – is protected and preserved. My ancestors witnessed first-hand the violence that is unleashed by a Republican rebellion and I consider myself extremely fortunate to be descended from people with such foresight to understand that their descendants would do much better under the Crown than under a rebellious Republican regime. A society born out of violence will always have a violent nature. I think the fact that my ancestors made the correct choice is illustrated when one looks at the enormous difference between Canada and the United States at the present moment.
Whilst the Loyalists might be a uniquely Canadian piece of history, the ideas and principles that the Loyalists represent are still relevant today be it in Canada or here in Australia: loyalty, freedom of opinion, and the rule of law. The Loyalists took those ideas and principles andfounded a free, tolerant, and democratic society under the Crown that, when compared to the American experiment, has been far more successful than the rebellious Republican ideas that they rejected. Despite having a common history, diverse populations, and similar geographic compositions, a large gap exists between Canada and the United States today: Canada is a diverse yet cohesive and compassionate society with a strong and stable government whilst America appears to be tearing itself apart. The proof is in the pudding, so to speak, and the magic ingredient is the Crown.
Whilst I'm very proud to be Australian, and I consider this to be my home, my convictions have been shaped by my distinctly Canadian experience. I am a monarchist because the Crown has allowed free, tolerant, and democratic societies with strong checks and balances to develop in both my native and adopted lands (as well as nearly every other Commonwealth realm). My commitment to contribute towards the effort to preserve the Crown is inspired by the principles and courage of my Loyalist ancestors who shaped the fundamental character of modern Canada.
The Queen Visits The Grave Of The Unknown Warrior
On Wednesday 4 November 2020 ahead of Remembrance Day commemorations on Sunday,
the Queen made a private pilgrimage to the grave of the Unknown Warrior
in Westminster Abbey to mark the centenary of his burial.
Letters & Comments
As an individual who is both a proud young Aboriginal Man and a Monarchist, it’s sometimes difficult to balance my culture and family relationships with my belief in our Monarchy. My people are the Gumbaynggirr people of the Mid North Coast of New South Wales, who are a politically active mob (especially in progressive circles).
I have always been a Monarchist, I love our Queen and I love our system of Constitutional Monarchy with its checks and balances.
I write to you, my fellow AML members to give my support to Gladys Berejiklian’s recent call for a small change to our National Anthem. I know that many of you are Social Conservatives and may disagree with me, but I think this is a very conservative change. I don't agree with getting rid of our current Anthem, unless it is to ‘God Save The Queen’ but I think it is time for an update.
A change to the Anthem doesn't diminish the fact that we are a Monarchy. I believe that a change will strengthen our democracy and encourage unity over division. The idea behind the change is to acknowledge the thousands of years of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander survival and cultures on our great continent. The one line change from “For we are young and free” to “We are one and free” is the best way to make our anthem more inclusive. Not only does it recognise our First Nations but it also acknowledges that Australia has become a much more mature, multicultural nation with a standard of living and lifestyle that is envied the world over.
Boston Edwards, NSW
Young Monarchists—NSW
The blur of 2020 aka longest and shortest year.
Is it wrong to publicly admit that by the time you read this my Christmas tree & decorations will be out of storage and in the beginning stages of being put together?
2020 seems to have just disappeared into the ether, but the AML continues to promote and defend (where necessary) our Constitution and Monarchy.
Earlier in the year another volunteer and I spent a few months calling up our members who are not so young to check in and chat. I must say hearing what you all had planned to get through the lockdown was inspiring. We will be calling you again over the next few months.
Most of us have grown used to more parts of our lives moving completely online.
I would like to thank members and friends, who have attended the AML webinars, signed the online petitions and who continue to keep our politicians held to account.
At the beginning of the year Young Monarchists NSW had many gatherings planned for 2020. We even attempted to go ahead with our socially distanced ice skating evening, but this pandemic is forcing us to be anti social for good reason.
Let’s hope that this doesn’t become a habit. Call us optimistic, but we are already planning for 2021.
Young Monarchists NSW social media
Facebook page: YoungMonarchistsNSW
Instagram page: youngmonarchistsnsw
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God Save The Queen Kind regards, Laura Smith Chair, Young Monarchists NSW |
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Young Monarchists—Victoria
The Victorian Young Monarchists recently hosted a Monarchist Q&A session with Senator Eric Abetz in conjunction with the newly-formed Melbourne University Monarchist Society. Senator Abetz shared his reflections on the success of the monarchist movement at the 1999 referendum, as well as the recent vindication surrounding the release of the 'Palace Letters.'
The Melbourne University Monarchist Society has also held an online forum with Senator Jim Molan AO DSC on the topic of national security matters. It was great to see many members of the Victorian Young Monarchists in attendance to support this new student society, which will be active next year in promoting the monarchy on campus.
The new club also held an event to commemorate the upcoming 21st anniversary of the victorious referendum campaign with a screening of the historic debate between Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull.
The Melbourne University Monarchist Society is working very closely with our youth branch in Victoria allowing young monarchists to socialise, campaign and networkwith high-profile conservative speakers on campus.
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Jeremy Mann Chairman, Victorian Young Monarchists |
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AML Face Masks
Our face masks have two layers of fabric with an additional PM2.5 replaceable filter exceeding the Government’s recommendation of 3ply cloth masks. They are made from a dye sublimated milk fibre outer and 100% Soft Combed Cotton inside.
Comfortable on the face and around the ears.
Does not fog up when wearing glasses if glasses are worn resting over the mask.
The removable PM2.5 filter allows for a longer product life while washing and reusing the mask.
Price: $30 for 3 masks (includes postage). Click here to purchase.
AML Pens & Badges
Price: $15 for both items (includes postage). Click here to purchase.
STOP PRESS: Republicans Getting Ready to attack the Next Reign
After her huge loss of face in salivating over the Kerr Papers telling all and sundry that it would mean the Queen was involved in the Dismissal, which, of course, as the papers proved, Her Majesty was not, Professor Jenny Hocking is again on the rampage telling the media that as king, Charles will face a fresh move to ditch the monarchy in Australia after the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II. She says that it will also make a difference because Charles is a male.
Of course, there are those who are disturbed by some comments that Prince Charles has made and with some of the causes he follows. Whilst it would be better if he exercised a greater and more prudent caution, he will, nevertheless be a constitutional king and abide by the rules so diligently followed by his mother, grandfather and great-grandfather.
The monarchy is essential if we are to retain the Crown within the Australian Constitution. It is our protection and will continue as long as the Australian people wish it to. We should all remember that whoever is monarch, it is the system of constitutional monarchy that is the more important. As king, Charles will be preparing the way for his son, William who will be crowned as the next Prince of Wales.
The Australian Monarchist League continues to oppose moves by republicans whose tentacles spread through the media, academia, government, and the parliaments. They continue to be active and, therefore, so must we.
One way in which you can help is to remember the Australian Monarchist League in your will.
Do you feel you'd like to do something really beneficial to protect and preserve our Australian Constitution and ensure we retain the Constitutional Monarchy?
And would like to do it without having to part with your money or other assets - and without making pledges?
Just a few words written into your Will, or added to it as a codicil, is all it takes!
You can leave anything of value; for example, money, shares or real estate. whatever you leave to The Australian Monarchist League in your Will is going to help in the on-going fight against those forces in our community that are striving by every possible means to destroy the protection we all enjoy through the Crown.
A simple clause in your Will, or a codicil to it, can help give the Australian Monarchist League the future security it needs in its struggle to maintain the system of government that has served us so well since Federation.
Your Will And The Australian Monarchist League
To assist in its on-going work of protecting the monarchy and defending our Constitution, the Australian Monarchist League will gratefully accept any of the following items you may wish to leave in your Will:
- The Residue Of Your Estate. After all your beneficiaries, such as family, relatives and friends, have been provided for, what remains of your estate (the residue) will go to the Australian Monarchist League.
- A Percentage Of Your Estate. You specify a percentage of the value of your total estate to go to the Australian Monarchist League.
- A Specific Sum Of Money While this is the simplest form of bequest, it has the disadvantage of not allowing for inflation or changes to the value of your estate.
- Property Property may be in the form of real estate or shares.
Like To Know More?
If you would like to know more about helping the Australian Monarchist League through your Will, please contact us.
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