Indigenous Leaders and a Republic
Indigenous Leaders and a Republic
A number of indigenous leaders have attacked Australia Day and at the same time come out in support of a republic, most probably because they feel they will get a better deal under a president. They are sadly mistaken.
Under the Crown, all Australians are equal regardless of race, religion or social standing. The Queen and the Prince of Wales and now his sons make it a special point to include a visit to one or more aboriginal communities. This is because they recognise the importance of the indigenous people in Australia.
The Prince of Wales takes a special interest in Australia through his Prince’s Trust in Australia which, amongst many other activities, endeavours to assist indigenous communities. It has partnered with the EON. Foundation for remote Indigenous communities and schools, providing an early intervention, nutrition-based healthy lifestyle and disease prevention program focused on young Indigenous Australians and their families.
Would a president, particularly a politician president, care so much other than to get votes?
Aboriginal leaders are woefully misguided if they think a republic is going to help them as are the Greens and all those who believe a republic will bring in a utopian period for this country. All it will bring is a greater political control and more expense.
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