US TV Series Mocks Prince George to Make Money

We have seen a myriad of cartoons making fun of members of the royal family but mostly they can stand up for themselves and, like anyone in the public arena, have to learn to take things on the chin. However, the recent HBO MAX animated cartoon series ‘The Prince’ does not just satirise the royal family but centres on and lampoons Prince George, just eight years of age, who is portrayed as an arrogant, spoilt, snobbish and pretentious toffee-nosed schoolboy. Prince Louis also features as a spoiled brat.


The Queen is pictured as a domineering person who seems to be always eating and the Duke of Edinburgh (the series was produced prior to his death) is shown as a frail, dribbling and mumbling imbecile. Needless to say, since this is a US production, Meghan appears to be well treated.

HBO, which stands for ‘Home Box Office’, is a cable television channel featuring on Foxtel. They have released the pilot series which is already airing in the United States but fortunately HBO MAX is not yet available in Australia but doubtless there will be a number of excerpts shown over here.

Just imagine what Prince George will think when fellow schoolboys and people in general hold up their smart phones and snigger at him, which will undoubtedly happen. Something like this could severely traumatise a young child and is a disgrace but, unfortunately, because it is an American production there is little that we can do other than to object via email which I encourage you to do at:

[email protected]

Regrettably, there will probably be worse to come and as far as Australia is concerned it is up to each and every one of us to stand up to defend our constitutional liberties under the Crown.



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  • Gerald Matthews
    commented 2021-08-06 17:38:21 +1000
    Currently this would be classified as abuse to a minor, what is astonishing is the graphics are superb and could be utilised in another format / genre/ or even political comment. Smacks of the ‘movement’ to re-write history, pull down statues and ignore what has been achieved in the western world to date. The Loyalty shown worldwide to the UK monarchy may well see the end of this demeaning piece of garbage. I have 40 years friendship with USA and Americans my father and step mother liived and died in the USA, but following the glorification of certain minoroties in that country to the anger and astonishment of the settled communitoes over 200 years, it would seem little has been learned how to conduct and behave in modern society. Most of us seniors when we go, realise we are leaving a cesspool of drug induced mind blowing decison making at the highest level.
  • Lynette Pollard
    commented 2021-08-06 14:43:04 +1000
    I feel very angry that the Royal Family have been subjected to such a demeaning portrayal but especially Prince George. It is supposed to be a cartoon but. instead of laughter, I feel disgust!
  • Philip Benwell
    published this page in News 2021-08-05 22:59:54 +1000