Disgraceful Labor Motion. No Good Reason to Wait for Queen’s Death

Disgraceful Labor Motion. No Good Reason to Wait for Queen’s Death

Julian Hill MP, Federal Labor Member for Bruce has issued a notice of motion “I give notice that on the next day of sitting I shall move that this house acknowledge that there is no good reason to wait for the death of Elizabeth the Second by the Grace of God, Queen of Australia and her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth, in order to become a republic.” The notice was seconded by Graham Perrett MP Federal Labor Member for Moreton.

Both Hill and Perrett are relatively unknown MPs and we suppose that talking about the death of the monarch is one, rather macabre method of trying to get better known. Their constitutional commitment to bear true allegiance to the Queen seems to have gone by the wayside.

Last week the republicans issued a poll that they had themselves commissioned which unsurprisingly showed great support for a republic but there was very little interest amongst the media. Now we have this motion to come before the Parliament.

It seems that with so many issues facing the nation, there are constant attempts to endeavour to keep the divisive matter of a republic before the public, but it’s not going to work. The campaign by republicans is all about wordage, even hyperbole, and not about fact. Campaigners for a republic should realise that the nation has many other priorities far more important to it than tampering with a constitution that is working so well.

Australia has just gone through a potential political crisis with the prime minister and deputy prime minister at loggerheads. Even if the government had fallen, the administration of the nation would have continued on regardless. This is because we have a constitution based on the Crown which is above and not sullied by politics.


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