Petition to the President of the Senate

Petition to the President of the Senate

Senator Lidia Thorpe has heckled the King in Australia's parliament, shouting:
"This is not your land. You are not my King".


Extract from ABC News 24/10/24

"The firebrand independent senator on Monday used a parliamentary reception for the royals to accuse the king, who is Australia's head of state, of genocide and demand a treaty with First Nations people.

"Give us our land back, give us what you stole from us — our bones, our skulls, our babies, our people," she shouted as she strode towards the stage while wearing a possum-skin cloak.

Her protest attracted international attention and led Opposition Leader Peter Dutton to call for her to resign, while Nationals senator Bridget McKenzie questioned whether the outburst amounted to a breach of her parliamentary oath."


You are invited to sign the petition to the President of the Senate calling on the Senate to censure Senator Thorpe.

Senator the Hon Sue Lines
The Senate
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

We, the undersigned, petition the Senate to censure Senator Lidia Thorpe for:

  • interrupting and insulting the King while he was delivering a speech in the Great Hall of Parliament House, Canberra on Monday, 21 October 2024; and
  • denying His Majesty’s rightful position as lawful King of Australia, in blatant violation of her constitutional affirmation of allegiance.
745 signatures

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