Assistant Ministry for the Republic Should Be Abolished

Assistant Ministry for the Republic Should Be Abolished

Monarchists Call for the Assistant Ministry for the Republic to Be Abolished.

The Australian Monarchist League is calling on the Prime Minister to either abolish the Assistant Ministry for the Republic or, should he decline to do so, to either remove the Republic ministry or that of Defence and Veterans’ Affairs from the Assistant Minister as Defence and Veterans’ Affairs have nothing whatsoever to do with the government’s plans for a republic.

Furthermore, the League states that to include the portfolio of the Republic alongside that of Defence and Veterans’ Affairs is a direct slur on the many brave men and women who fought and are fighting for this country, all of whom have pledged allegiance to the Queen and the Constitution and to many of whom a republic is an anathema.

In any event, Mr Albanese had specifically taken the issue of a republic off the election agenda by inferring that there would be no move towards a republic in the first term of his government but contrary to this one of his first actions as prime minister was to create an Assistant Minister for the Republic thus breaking his commitment.

The letter is online and can be seen at:


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