AML National Conference Feb 2022
AML National Conference Feb 2022
This is to confirm that the National Conference of the Australian Monarchist League will be held on:
Saturday, 12 February 2022
The Castlereagh Boutique Hotel
169 Castlereagh Street Sydney
commencing at 9:30 am.
COST: $90 pp (includes light lunch & morning & afternoon tea & coffee)
The conference is expected to close around 5:30 PM.
Principal Speakers include:
Hon. Tony Abbott AC
former Prime Minister of Australia
The Hon. Scott Farlow, MLC
Mr Alan Jones AO
Hon. Santo Santoro
Mr Nick Cater
Executive Director - Menzies Research Centre
Mr Lyle Shelton
Lyle is currently Director of Campaigns and Communication for the Christian Democratic Party
but is speaking in a personal capacity and not as a spokesman for the CDP.
Included in the Conference will be sessions on
the proposed model by the Australian Republic Movement
for a 'Politician's' Republic.
There will be a dinner following at
The Castlereagh Boutique Hotel
169 Castlereagh Street Sydney
COST: $90 pp
You can book for the dinner here: 2022 Conference Dinner
The Castlereagh Boutique Hotel, otherwise known as the Masonic Club, does have accommodation as follows:
$157 for Double rooms
$177 for Queen and twin rooms
(Prices are for room only, Continental Breakfast is extra)
To book or enquire further, please contact the Castlereagh Boutique Hotel on 02 9284 1000 mentioning the Australian Monarchist League and the above rates.
February 12, 2022 at 9:30am - 5:30pm
The Castlereagh Boutique Hotel
Adam Cass followed this page 2022-01-24 10:59:59 +1100
Robert Howard followed this page 2022-01-20 09:54:48 +1100
Darilyn Adams followed this page 2022-01-18 19:17:58 +1100
Sasha Meshich followed this page 2022-01-17 01:02:15 +1100
June Weston followed this page 2022-01-14 12:20:01 +1100
Steven Yan Wang Ma followed this page 2022-01-13 18:51:59 +1100
ian butler followed this page 2022-01-13 15:44:14 +1100
ashley Hammond followed this page 2022-01-12 12:35:42 +1100
Leo Ryan commented 2022-01-12 10:19:42 +1100I also would like to come but work duties and Covid issues make it impossible to travel from Qld. Best wishes to all who can make it and may wisdom and good luck in the decision-making processes be yours! Long live the Queen. Long live Australia.
Valerie Brown commented 2022-01-12 00:14:45 +1100Sadly have a health problem cannot make it
Sonia Arnold followed this page 2022-01-08 22:08:08 +1100
Ross Winter commented 2022-01-07 14:24:19 +1100I would like to attend but living in Queensland and variable Covid-19 restrictions make it very difficult for me. Perhaps next year!
Jo Hicks followed this page 2022-01-06 21:58:09 +1100
David Scott commented 2022-01-06 19:42:10 +1100sadly,i live in queensland and unable to attend.god bless our gracious majesty
Cynthia Smith followed this page 2022-01-06 19:38:19 +1100
Audrey Webb commented 2022-01-06 18:22:40 +1100Sadly, this Queensland resident will be unable to attend due to family medical problems.
Audrey Webb followed this page 2022-01-06 18:21:58 +1100
Peter Hart commented 2022-01-06 16:40:23 +1100Just another South Australian unable to attend.
Christine Harvey commented 2022-01-06 16:24:04 +1100Sadly cannot attend as I live in South Australia. Will be a great event.
Susan Willcocks commented 2022-01-06 15:24:07 +1100Sadly I cannot attend as I care for my elderly parents in Brisbane. I wish you all a wonderful day. Long live and God Bless our most Gracious Majesty, The Queen.
Helen Bell commented 2022-01-06 14:33:18 +1100Would be a great occasion but I live in South Australia
Maree Silva followed this page 2022-01-06 14:32:51 +1100
Geraldine Hare followed this page 2022-01-06 13:30:53 +1100
Elizabeth Page commented 2022-01-06 12:39:27 +1100Would love to , but I live in Tasmania.
John Candido followed this page 2022-01-06 11:59:01 +1100
David Sims followed this page 2022-01-06 11:56:41 +1100
Cr Sean Carmichael followed this page 2022-01-06 11:36:25 +1100
Alexander Voltz followed this page 2022-01-04 08:29:43 +1100
Michelle Kriz rsvped 2022-01-01 20:04:22 +1100
Charles Camenzuli rsvped 2021-12-30 12:39:51 +1100