Elisa Lewis

  • donated via 2024-10-12 17:07:27 +1100
  • donated via 2024-06-06 14:50:31 +1000
  • answered 2023-01-03 18:15:43 +1100
    Q: If you have professional fundraising experience, would you like to join this group?
    A: No

    AML Online Groups

    As we enter 2023, we are restructuring and expanding the Australian Monarchist League to enable us to better face the government’s campaign to remove the Crown from the Australian Constitution.

    To assist us in this regard we are forming a few online groups and invite monarchists to join any eligible group if they wish.

    These initial groups are:

    Women’s AML Group
    This will be a group for ladies to meet online and discuss monarchy matters relevant to them.

    Veterans Group
    This is a group for the many veterans we have amongst our database may wish to join together to support the Crown that all have made allegiance to uphold.

    Over 65s Group
    Any monarchist over 65 is invited to join this group.

    Fundraising Group
    This is a group to bring together persons with professional fundraising expertise.

    Online Format
    The format for meeting online will be decided by each group

  • donated via 2024-09-19 16:09:45 +1000
  • signed up on Be Kept Up To Date 2023-02-17 20:12:37 +1100

    Be Kept Up To Date

    Be informed on matters surrounding our current system of government, our way of life, and Australia's independence. 

  • wants to volunteer 2022-06-29 16:27:53 +1000
Elisa Lewis