Visit to Windsor Castle 2021
Visit to Windsor Castle 2021

AML UK Branch Event
Whilst we are in lockdown in several states in Australia and not able to hold functions, it is different in the United Kingdom and our branch in London has organised a visit to Windsor Castle which is hosting an exhibition (and celebration) of the life of Prince Philip. The East Terrace Garden is also open for only the second time in decades.
This is the perfect opportunity for a visit by AML members, supporters and friends to the Castle (State Rooms, etc.) and grounds followed by lunch at a local pub. There will also be a visit to St George’s Chapel and our party will be there for the changing of the guard at 11am.
Details are as follows:
- Date: 11 September 2021
- Time: Meet at the ticket office of Windsor at 10am. Lunch is at 1:30pm at the Duchess of Cambridge Pub
- Cost: Purchase your own tickets via The cost is £23.50 pp.
The below portrait is by Ralph Heimans, an Australian-British royal painter, and depicts the Duke of Edinburgh in formal attire standing in a long corridor at Windsor Castle.

September 11, 2021 at 10:00am - 1pm
Windsor Castle
Windsor, England SL4
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
Dr. K. Majdali rsvped +2 2021-09-10 02:24:27 +1000