The Queen's COVID-19 Broadcast
The Queen's COVID-19 Broadcast
In her address to the Commonwealth, the Queen's address stressed the value of self-discipline and resolve - saying she hopes that, in the future, everyone will “be able to take pride in how they responded to this challenge”.
She said the address reminded her of her very first broadcast, made during World War Two with her sister, Princess Margaret. She thanked everyone “on the NHS front line” and other key workers.
The Queen said that those following social distancing measures and staying at home were “sparing many families the pain already felt by those who have lost loved ones”.
The weekly applauses for NHS workers, delivery of food parcels to the vulnerable and people checking on neighbours are all examples of how the UK has “come together”, she said.
She stressed that “we will succeed” in tackling coronavirus, and - with a reference to Vera Lynn’s wartime song - assured the nation that “we will meet again”.
Below is the Queen's Message brought to you by the Australian Monarchist League.
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