Our British Heritage

Our British Heritage


Captain Cook raises the British Flag on
Possession Island, 22 August 1770


The concessional ticket cost of $95 pp includes morning tea/coffee and sandwich/wraps lunch.

The conference speakers will include:

Chris Reynolds is the author of the highly researched and excellent book "What a Capital Idea - Australia 1770 - 1901." 
He has previously held positions with the U.S. Congress and Senate, working in the senior position of Senior Professional Stall for the Senate Committee on the Judiciary and the House Committee on Children, Youth and Families.
He wrote Mitch McConnell’s first legislation, and worked on several projects with White House staff. Christopher received a Commendation from President Reagan for his “excellent work”.



For most of his career (1991-2011) Frank was based at the Max Planck Research Centre for Human Ethology in Europe, in the research group founded by Irenaeus Eibl-Eibesfeldt, a student of Nobel Prize winner Konrad Lorenz. He lectured and led research projects in Germany, Austria, Russia, the Czech Republic, and Romania. He has held university teaching positions in Austria, England, and the United States.
He has written a number of books including Emotions in Command, On Genetic Interests, Risky Transactions, and recently, Anglophobia: The Unrecognised Hatred (with Harry Richardson). Since his return to Australia, Frank’s writing has often appeared in Quadrant magazine. His articles have discussed Australian national affairs, including the politicisation of the social sciences, indigenous constitutional recognition, multiculturalism, eugenics, and social bonds.
Frank served as president of the British Australian Community, 2021-2023. He remains on the BAC committee.

Harry was born and raised in Manchester England, emigrating to Australia in 1989. He worked as an engineering craftsman in oil refineries and power stations around Australia for 25 years before working as a trainer and running a small business.
He was a member of Greenpeace for a very short time and a union delegate for several years.
He was also formerly a board member of Act for Australia and wrote and self published the bestselling book, The Story of Mohammed Islam Unveiled which sold over 35,000 copies.
Harry wrote for Larry Pickering’s Pickering Post which was founded in 2012. He took over the publication after Larry passed away and became Editor in Chief of The Richardson Post in 2019.
He Co-Authored the book of Anglophobia: The Unrecognised Hatred with Dr Frank Salter. An early version of this book was serialized in Quadrant Magazine. For the last three years, he has held the positions of Secretary and then President of The British Australian Community.


Philip Benwell, the National Chair of the Australian Monarchist League, will speak on how our Australian system of governance developed, including the selection of our Governor's-General.




Statement by Mrs Bev McArthur in the Victorian Parliament on the vandalism to the Queen Victoria Statue

I was disgusted to hear about the toppling of the Queen Victoria statue in Geelong and call for it to be re-erected, and for statues of historical significance to be protected. Mature people respect differing opinions - they don’t tear down statues or graffiti pieces of art. Harsher penalties may well be required to protect historical monuments from attacks by vandals.


We urge you to book below.


April 13, 2024 at 9:30am - 12:30pm


The Castlereagh Boutique Hotel
169 Castlereagh St
Sydney, NSW 2000
Google map and directions


Will you come?

Showing 11 reactions

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  • Brigitte Graefin von Bulow
    commented 2024-04-11 20:21:30 +1000
    Would love to, just not possible. Us rural folks :) are a bit far away to just drop in, were in Sydney last week, unfortunately cant go this weekend.
  • Jackie Best
    followed this page 2024-04-10 14:44:40 +1000
  • Joan Packman
    followed this page 2024-04-10 09:28:59 +1000
  • Steve Lloyd
    followed this page 2024-04-10 09:00:14 +1000
  • Noel Huxham
    followed this page 2024-04-10 08:55:34 +1000
  • John Bunyan
    followed this page 2024-04-08 10:41:04 +1000
  • Jeanette Thompson
    followed this page 2024-04-03 18:36:46 +1100
  • Victor Pollard
    commented 2024-03-31 12:44:41 +1100
    Sorry I can’t make it… Stuck in Melbourne. All the very best.
  • Christina Fox
    followed this page 2024-03-29 17:27:43 +1100
  • Lisamarie OConnor
    followed this page 2024-03-25 16:03:25 +1100
  • Philip Benwell
    published this page in Events 2024-03-15 21:42:27 +1100