Robert Howard
Robert Howard started a recurring donation 2024-12-11 20:04:16 +1100
Robert Howard donated 2022-12-08 17:02:54 +1100
Robert Howard donated 2022-10-14 13:05:03 +1100
Be Kept Up To Date
Be informed on matters surrounding our current system of government, our way of life, and Australia's independence. -
Robert Howard donated 2023-03-29 21:52:30 +1100
Robert Howard signed Petition to the Senate Regarding the Platinum Jubilee 2021-07-22 09:41:50 +1000
Petition to the Senate Regarding the Platinum Jubilee
The Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II
Available only to Australian Citizens and Permanent Residents
In one year's time, on 6 February 2022, the Queen will have been 70 years on the throne. A milestone never reached before by any British monarch and by only three other monarchs in known history. [The others were Louis XIV of France d 1715 (72+ years), Rama IX of Thailand d 2016 (70+ years) and Johann II of Liechtenstein d 1929 (70+ years)].
Following the Queen's visit to Australia in 1954, where an estimated 75% of Australia’s population came out to cheer her as she travelled around Australia, Australian governments did relatively little to celebrate her Golden and Diamond Jubilees and, as a consequence, they passed by relatively unnoticed.
This is an e-petition calling on the Senate to establish an all-party group to prepare nation-wide celebrations honouring the Queen on her Platinum Jubilee.
We call upon all those who honour the Queen to sign this online petition which will be tabled in the Senate in its June sitting.
The current rules governing petitions to the Australian Senate require your real name and a genuine email address. Since these details may be verified by parliamentary officers it is essential that our petition does not reach any stumbling block. This petition is totally in-house and does not use any external facility. Accordingly, your details will be kept absolutely confidential at all times and names and email addresses will not be used by us unless you opt in to receive information from the Australian Monarchist League including details of the petition and its presentation and reception in the Senate.
Yours sincerely
Philip Benwell
National Chair
Australian Monarchist LeaguePS: Some servers block links and if you are facing any difficulty in signing the petition, just send us your name and email address with permission for us to include you. [email protected]
To the Honourable President and members of the Senate in Parliament assembled:
The petition of the undersigned shows:- 6 February 2022 will be the 70th anniversary of the accession of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to the throne of Australia.
- A platinum jubilee is a milestone never before reached by a monarch in the shared history of Australia, the United Kingdom and the 14 other Commonwealth realms. It is an historic occasion worthy of public celebration.
- On 12 January 2021 the British Parliament established an all-party parliamentary group called “The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Society of the Houses of Parliament” to discuss how to best mark the Platinum Jubilee in the United Kingdom
Your petitioners ask that the Senate:
initiate a working group, consisting of Senators and Members of the House of Representatives from all parties, to plan nationwide events to celebrate this momentous occasion.
Petition to Protect Our Australian Way of Life
Australians get to enjoy an amazing quality of life with family and friends.
Our unique and long established Westminster system of government provides us with peace and prosperity, allowing us to enjoy time with family, privately help the less fortunate in the community, and invest for future generations.
Australian Monarchist League is calling for a show of support from the Australian community to petition so we keep the current Australian Westminster system of government.
What makes Australia the best country on earth?
People, families, and communities thrive in Australia. Where else in the world can citizens receive:
Job and business opportunities
Top level healthcare
World class education
Beautiful and diverse environment
Security and regulation
Affordable utilities
Reliable infrastructure
The Australian government provides us with all these things, it shows how efficient and effective our system of government is.
Why is the Australian government so successful while other countries struggle?
The key difference is, Australia has its own unique Westminster system of government which contains a:
Lower House
(i.e. House of Representatives)
Publicly elected
Proposes policies and changes.Upper House
(i.e. Senate)
Publicly elected
Reviews, approves and amends proposed policies and changes.Governor-General
(i.e. Crown's Representative)
Takes control in exceptional circumstances.
Prime Minister can petition the Crown to dismiss the Governor-General.The Lower House proposes policies, and the Upper House reviews, approves and can amend the proposed policies.
This two-step process distributes the power amongst the politicians and allows for constructive debate and solutions that satisfy the wider community.
The Governor-General’s role is to ensure this political process is working.
How is Australia now under threat?
The republican lobby groups are pushing to replace the Governor-General with an elected or appointed head of state that will likely belong to one of the two major Australian political parties.
If one political party held a majority in the lower house and upper house, and also held the head of state, that political party could exploit their position to remain in power uncontested.
It would be the beginning of political corruption and the end of Australia as we know it.
Sign the petition to show your support in keeping the current Australian Westminster system of government.