Monarchists Accuse Republicans of Unacceptable Tactics and Stunts

Monarchists Accuse Republicans of Unacceptable Tactics and Stunts

Monarchists Accuse Republicans of Unacceptable Tactics and Stunts
REF: ARM push for King Charles III to formally apologise for acts of genocide & colonisation by Royal family

The untimely and inappropriate stunt with which the Australian Republican Movement has associated itself speaks volumes about its unacceptable tactics and stunts.

The issues about which they have suddenly found voice have been around for a long time. To deliberately raise a controversy the day before the coronation will mean King Charles III won’t be able to give his attention to the matter. The ARM knows this and exposes its sham tactics and hollowness in raising these issues at this time. Genuine concern would’ve been raised previously and not on the eve of the historic occasion of the coronation of King Charles III of Australia. To suggest the King should ‘start the conversation of about slavery’s enduring impact’ is embarrassingly ignorant given that conversation started in the UK many years ago and saw its abolition followed by the enforcement by the monarch’s navy on the high seas sacrificing many sailors and ships in the battle to eradicate slavery. What is more Australia was settled on the strict instruction there was to be no slavery.
Slavery has been and still continues to be a scourge and a blot on humankind. Today efforts should be focussed on its abolition where this scourge still exists.

Slavery has been too common and still is too common.

Further there is a complete deliberate distortion of how our modern constitutional monarchy operates. The matters on which they call on King Charles III to act are in fact to be decided upon by the democratically elected government of the United Kingdom. If the monarch were to act unilaterally and not on the advice of his democratically elected government the republicans would be the first to squeal. This just confirms the hollowness, duplicity and shameful use of this issue by the republicans.


Hon. Eric Abetz
AML Campaign Chairman

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