Jared Lopez

  • @jaredbelopez tweeted link to Letter to Prime Minister Albanese. 2022-08-04 16:35:03 +1000

    Letter to Prime Minister Albanese


    Members of the Defence Forces have all sworn allegiance to the Queen and, as such, are required to protect the Constitution and the people. The Governor-General is commander-in-chief as representative of the Queen. (Clause 68. The command in chief of the naval and military forces of the Commonwealth is vested in the Governor-General as the Queen's representative.)

    We believe that the combining of the assistant ministries of Defence, Veterans’ Affairs and republic have been done for a reason. We leave it to your imagination to reason why.

    Furthermore, the combining of these ministries is an insult to present and past defence personnel and should never have been allowed.

    The below letter to prime minister Albanese calls on him to separate these assistant ministries and we urge all those who agree, to sign it and after doing so send the link to all those whom you think would also want to sign.

    Thank you


    Note: Please limit comments to less than 40 words and be respectful.

    Dear Prime Minister

    In the lead up to the last federal election on the 21st of May 2022 you specifically took the issue of a republic off the election agenda by inferring that there would be no move towards a republic in the first term of your government. However, one of your first actions as prime minister was to create an Assistant Minister for the Republic. Why did you break your commitment and make such an appointment without a mandate from the people? The fact that a republic is part of Labor Party policy is not relevant as far as a mandate from the people is concerned because you took it off the table.

    Despite not having a mandate, on the 1st of June 2022, you arranged for the Hon. Matt Thistlethwaite MP to be sworn in as Assistant Minister for Defence, Assistant Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Assistant Minister for the Republic.

    We put it to you that to include the portfolio of the Republic alongside that of Defence and Veterans’ Affairs is a direct slur on the many brave men and women who fought and are fighting for this country, all of whom have pledged allegiance to the Queen and to many of whom a republic is an anathema.

    We request that you abolish the Assistant Ministry for the Republic or if you decline to do so that you either remove the Republic ministry or that of Defence and Veterans’ Affairs from Mr Thistlethwaite.

    The portfolio for a republic should never have been associated with Defence and Veterans’ Affairs in the first instance.

    Yours faithfully

  • commented on Get More Involved 2020-05-01 00:15:53 +1000
    She has said what she thinks and we shouldn’t demand a confession of her sins. It’s there for us to see. We need to be careful that we don’t become like a bunch of church ladies trawling for offence.
  • answered 2020-04-30 23:58:31 +1000
    Q: Victoria's deputy Chief Health Officer, Dr. Annaliese van Diemen has likened the arrival of Lieutenant James Cook with the contagion of COVID-19. The Australian Monarchist League has called on her to apologise. The reason for this survey is to ask whether you, our members and supporters, agree or not?
    A: No

    Attack on Capt Cook

    One of Victoria's most senior health advisers had compared Captain Cook’s arrival in Australia with the deadly coronavirus pandemic.



  • signed ABC Refuses to Broadcast Queen's Message 2020-04-05 01:14:47 +1100
    The address is to all the Commonwealth and the public broadcaster should air an address from our head of state.

    ABC Refuses to Broadcast Queen's Message

    There is therefore no need to sign the petition, although, if you are new to the Australian Monarchist League, please consider signing up to receive our updates.

    The Queen's Message can be viewed here.


    Other than at Christmas, the Queen has made few televised addresses but she is to make an address to the Commonwealth tomorrow, Sunday 5 April 2020.

    However,our understanding is that the ABC is purposefully not broadcasting the message. We call on all monarchists to sign this online petition calling on the public broadcaster to air the message from the Queen of Australia to her people.

    I call on the Australian Broadcasting Authority to broadcast the message from the Queen which is to be released on Sunday 5 April, 2020.

  • donated 2021-04-04 12:32:44 +1000
Jared Lopez
desert dweller fiddling with the matrix