john woods

  • donated 2024-04-08 08:07:05 +1000
  • commented on The Coronation 2023-05-08 09:03:24 +1000
    I cannot understand why there is an urge by some to become a republic and change a system that has evolved the way it has and kept this country together. I hope our new King and Queen have a long and glorious reign and that includes as the “Head of State” of Australia. It seems referendum or not, the Governments of the day make change after change heading us in the direction of a republic. Without a mandate, without any consensus, except their personal desire to change the system. The most recent example being the appointment of a minister for a republic. That shows the arrogance of the current government in not respecting the previous referendums. And, remember this dishonest behavior only exemplifies what we can except when one of these political practitioners become our head of state. I can see any of them taking an oath as did the King to serve all.
  • commented on Vote No Republic 2023-04-19 20:16:03 +1000
    Today is the 19/4/23 and only a couple of weeks to the King’s coronation. Yet the Government has made no comment on a holiday for the event. With over half of Australians for a Monarchy why does the Government treat us with disrespect and dishonor our Head of State. Just because the Prime Minister wants a Republic he has a duty and responsibility to be courteous. I have phoned my local State Member of Parliament, The Governor in Qld., Deputy Prime Ministers Office, and 2 Senators, and all know nothing ? All very pathetic and shoddy responses.
  • commented on Contact Us 2024-04-22 16:46:31 +1000
    Hi Everyone, I have just put a petition online at ( e – petitions ) numbered EN6100 concerning the current Albanese Government and what seems to be policies contrary to be a system of Government with King Charles 3 as Head of State. It is available for a short time to sign if you agree with it. Thanks and Kind Regards John

    Contact Us

    Mailing Address

    The Australian Monarchist League
    PO Box A1213
    Sydney South NSW 1235


    [email protected]

  • signed up on Be Kept Up To Date 2024-06-02 18:22:34 +1000

    Be Kept Up To Date

    Be informed on matters surrounding our current system of government, our way of life, and Australia's independence. 

john woods