Helping us to do our job

Helping us to do our job

Here Patrick, whose mother is from Rwanda, is explaining how fortunate we all are to live in the greatest country in the world, blessed with democracy, peace and stability and this is due to our constitutional monarchy. However, our constitution remains under serious threat. The prime minister may be moving away from pursuing a republic referendum for political purposes, but his policy and that of his government are still to bring about a republic and they are continuing to undermine the Crown in whatever way they can.  

We call this Republicanism by Stealth. 

Making a joke of oaths of allegiance, removing the King's face on our money and name on our legislation, appointment of a republican as Governor-General, and so on. This is continuing to happen NOW, and it is up to us to do whatever we can to expose them and work towards a restoration plan. The Australian Monarchist League (AML) is always standing firm against the huge republican campaign backed by media, financial and government resources who are determined to destroy our constitutional monarchy.  AML cannot match their huge resources, but we can, with your help, build a grassroots army to defeat them. To win this onslaught, the most critical thing we need to do is raise cash for a full-time manager as well as support and social media teams. 

We need your help to maintain the defence of of our Crown and Constitution by becoming a monthly donor or AML Constitutional Defender. If 100 people contribute an average of $100 per month we can raise $10,000 but any amount you can afford is helpful and gives us even better odds of winning! It’s a huge challenge but please consider helping us. 

Please join the fight by donating whatever you can afford. 

Please note that the website classifies all money received as a donation but tags it for the specific purpose.

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Here Patrick, whose mother is from Rwanda, is explaining how fortunate we all are to live in the greatest country in the world, blessed with democracy, peace and stability and this is due to our constitutional monarchy. However, our constitution remains under serious threat. The prime minister may be moving away from pursuing a republic referendum for political purposes, but his policy and that of his government are still to bring about a republic and they are continuing to undermine the Crown in whatever way they can.  

We call this Republicanism by Stealth. 

Making a joke of oaths of allegiance, removing the King's face on our money and name on our legislation, appointment of a republican as Governor-General, and so on. This is continuing to happen NOW, and it is up to us to do whatever we can to expose them and work towards a restoration plan. The Australian Monarchist League (AML) is always standing firm against the huge republican campaign backed by media, financial and government resources who are determined to destroy our constitutional monarchy.  AML cannot match their huge resources, but we can, with your help, build a grassroots army to defeat them. To win this onslaught, the most critical thing we need to do is raise cash for a full-time manager as well as support and social media teams. 

We need your help to maintain the defence of of our Crown and Constitution by becoming a monthly donor or AML Constitutional Defender. If 100 people contribute an average of $100 per month we can raise $10,000 but any amount you can afford is helpful and gives us even better odds of winning! It’s a huge challenge but please consider helping us. 

Please join the fight by donating whatever you can afford. 

Please note that the website classifies all money received as a donation but tags it for the specific purpose.