Laurence Heal
Laurence Heal donated 2023-08-17 01:21:04 +1000
Laurence Heal answered 2020-06-08 01:10:18 +1000Q: Republicans want to remove The Queen’s Birthday Holiday. Please let us know whether you agree it should be removed (answer Yes) or whether it should stay as it is (answer No)?
A: No
Queen's Birthday Survey
There are calls by republicans and others to replace The Queen’s Birthday Holiday with – we don’t know what.The holiday is Australia’s oldest public holiday instituted by Governor Arthur Philip in 1788. It is held in June or October in the case of WA & Qld, to suit the calendars within each State. Its purpose is to honour the Queen of Australia.
We are looking for responses from as many people as possible to determine their views on this matter. We believe that most will be against change and the answers will bolster our arguments to retain the holiday.
Laurence Heal answered 2020-04-30 23:17:58 +1000Q: Victoria's deputy Chief Health Officer, Dr. Annaliese van Diemen has likened the arrival of Lieutenant James Cook with the contagion of COVID-19. The Australian Monarchist League has called on her to apologise. The reason for this survey is to ask whether you, our members and supporters, agree or not?
A: Yes
Attack on Capt Cook
One of Victoria's most senior health advisers had compared Captain Cook’s arrival in Australia with the deadly coronavirus pandemic.
ABC Refuses to Broadcast Queen's Message
There is therefore no need to sign the petition, although, if you are new to the Australian Monarchist League, please consider signing up to receive our updates.
The Queen's Message can be viewed here.Other than at Christmas, the Queen has made few televised addresses but she is to make an address to the Commonwealth tomorrow, Sunday 5 April 2020.
However,our understanding is that the ABC is purposefully not broadcasting the message. We call on all monarchists to sign this online petition calling on the public broadcaster to air the message from the Queen of Australia to her people.I call on the Australian Broadcasting Authority to broadcast the message from the Queen which is to be released on Sunday 5 April, 2020.