Dr Wayne Weiler
Dr Wayne Weiler answered 2022-12-04 19:06:11 +1100Q: Would you be able to attend a fundraising function with a VIP guest at a cost of (please answer only one response):
A: None of the above
The following is a short survey to find out what sort of activities you want us to do bearing in mind that the Australian Monarchist League is not a social organisation for members but primarily a lobby and campaign organisation to educate on and defend the Australian Constitution and Crown against attack.
Please note that our next activity is a lunch n Sydney with the Hon. Eric Abetz, Chairman of the AML Campaign on Wednesday 30 November 2022
Please find information here to book: Lunch with Hon. Eric Abetz -
Dr Wayne Weiler signed Matt Thistlethwaite infers Queen is a foreign power. 2020-07-24 15:13:41 +1000The release of the papers, from the time of the Dismissal, show beyond doubt that Her Majesty the Queen played no part in the removal of Mr. Gough Whitlam who refused all attempts to achieve a reasonable outcome. The bottom line is, the Australian people endorsed the decision of our Governor-General and overwhelmingly voted for a change in government. The G-G really was protecting us from the imposition of unconstitutional tyranny. So, we may well say, “God save the Queen” and the G-G was saved too, contrary to G.W’s. arrogant rant.
Petition Calling on Republic MP to Retract Slur on Queen
The Honourable Matt Thistlethwaite MP, Shadow Assistant Minister for Financial Services and Shadow Assistant Minister for the Republic, posted on Tuesday 14 July 2020 on his Facebook “Today’s release in full of the Palace Letters confirm that Australia needs to begin another serious discussion about an Australian as our head of state – an Australian who acts is the interests of our nation and its people, not beholden to the advice, influence and interests of a foreign power.” [meaning that the Queen acts in the interests of a ‘foreign power ‘ with the inference that she is, herself, a 'foreign power']. Mr Thistlethwaite has also publicly repeated his claims on television and elsewhere.
Please sign this petition calling on Mr Thistlethwaite to retract his unfounded and quite blatantly wrong remarks relating to the Queen of Australia as being a foreign power. The Queen and her successors will always, without question or doubt, act in the interests of Australia.