Zoltan Jonas

  • answered 2022-11-25 09:46:26 +1100
    Q: What sort of activity will you support (please answer only one response)?
    A: Talks/questions/debates?

    AML 2023 SURVEY


    The following is a short survey to find out what sort of activities you want us to do bearing in mind that the Australian Monarchist League is not a social organisation for members but primarily a lobby and campaign organisation to educate on and defend the Australian Constitution and Crown against attack.

    Please note that our next activity is a lunch n Sydney with the Hon. Eric Abetz, Chairman of the AML Campaign on Wednesday 30 November 2022
    Please find information here to book:  Lunch with Hon. Eric Abetz

  • donated 2022-08-03 16:00:56 +1000
Zoltan Jonas